Cleaning and Organizing Your Life

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Monday, May 31, 2004

Vital Documents to include in an Emergency

Ever since my sister shot herself, I have had my life turn upside down. Everyone needs to do this for someone's own good Address\mailing List Auto Insurance Id Card Auto Policy Birth Certificate Car Registration Car Title Checking Account Numbers Deeds Drivers License Family History\Special Photos Investment Records Documentation Life Insurance Policy Marriage License Medical Insurance Id (Or Policy) Medical Insurance Policy Medical History Military Records P.I.N. Records for all credit cards... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 8:54 AM Comments (0) (link)

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

4 Easy steps to reclaim your home from the clutter and disorganization.

Complete Spring Cleaning Checklist Amid the endless piles of laundry, dishes, forgotten bills, and overdue library books, you have a house. A house you would desperately love to show off with pride. It makes you depressed even to think about how to get this mess organized. You feel your only hope now lies in the chance that one of your horrified relatives will recommend you for a cable show home makeover. While you’re waiting for that lightning bolt to strike, let's try instead some simple steps... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 7:54 AM Comments (1) (link)

Thursday, April 22, 2004

3 Homemade Cleaning Ingredients Using lemons, vinegar, and baking soda to clean every room One of my earliest memories is of my mother cleaning with what looked to me like cooking ingredients. She would be listening to the radio as she poured baking soda, lemon, and vinegar combinations on the surfaces of our home. Magically these recipes kept our home clean and smelling fresh, without stretching an already thin household budget. Here are a few basic household ingredients and items you can use... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 5:26 PM Comments (1) (link)

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Organizing Dresser Drawers

These strategies will help you organize your dresser drawers. Accessories Drawer: Line shallow top drawers with velvet (use archival glue to back the velvet with poster board). This will provide plush support for delicate items such as scarves and jewelry. Martha likes to use small aluminum containers to store notions. Sweater Drawer: Use a deep drawer for sweaters—never hang knits—and place cedar blocks inside to fend off moths. Knitwear, Stockings, and T-shirts: Create removable compartments... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 9:12 PM Comments (0) (link)

Marth Stewart Knows Best

Ten Tips for Organizing Your Closet Storing your clothes well means they’ll always look their best. And when your closets and drawers are well organized, you’ll find you wear more of your clothes more often. 1. Divide the closet into zones, and use three short rods rather than a single long one (see photo, left). Hang dresses, robes, and coats from one high rod; hang blouses and short items from another high rod, and skirts and folded slacks from a low rod below. 2. Group clothes by color. 3.... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 12:20 AM Comments (1) (link)

Monday, April 19, 2004


organization begins with an honest evaluation of your wardrobe you should have nothing in your closet that isn't currently wearable lose anything that doesn't fit or is out of style if you haven't worn it in a year, ask when you will wear it again make sure everything in your closet goes with something else store nostalgic clothes with memorabilia if you don't wear them place baskets for laundry, dry-cleaning, and alterations / mending CATEGORIZING YOUR CLOTHES separate by season store... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 8:09 AM Comments (0) (link)

Friday, April 16, 2004

Conquering Clutter- The 4 Container Method

Organizing the Method Have you ever tried to get rid of the clutter in your home? Haphazardly we walk through our homes searching for stuff we don’t need. Oddly enough each item seems to call out to us with its greater purpose in the scheme of our lives. You’ve heard the phrase that clutter takes on a life of its own, well now it is time for drastic measures that give clutter a life far away from yours. The Categories Find 4 boxes and label them with the 4 categories. Trash Give Away/Sell... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 9:39 PM Comments (0) (link)

Lots of Free Money from the Government

Check out how to get your own share WHAT YOU CAN DEDUCT can only deduct the fair market value for an item fair market value takes into account item's condition and age IRS publication 526 will help you determine your values need a written appraisal for donations of $5000 or more may deduct mileage for dropping off donations contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 when in doubt TAX ISSUES your donation must be to a qualified organization to be deductible a "tax-exempt" organization doesn't mean... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 12:40 PM Comments (0) (link)

Thursday, April 15, 2004


When was the last time you used it? When will you (realistically) need it again? Why would you need it again? Who might ask for it? What would you need it for? Is it easily replaceable? What's the worst thing that would happen if you got rid of it? Is it beautiful, useful, or loved? Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 9:38 PM Comments (3) (link)


start with the area of your life that causes you the greatest pain create a list of the areas you want to work on in order of priority include a deadline for completing each project try to tackle one small area at a time -- drawer, cabinet, shelf, etc. set aside some time each week to work on a different area move systematically throughout your home completely finish one area before beginning another find the organizing style and pace that suit you recruit some organizing "assistants" --... Sign in to see full entry.

posted by wannarideher at 1:28 PM Comments (1) (link)

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house cleaning tips and how to eliminate clutter, checklist


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