Archie's Look at the News

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Insurgents are getting desperate . . .

They are attacking more and attacking harder to stop the elections scheduled in Iraq. We cannot allow these most horrific attacks to throw us off course; that is what the goal of those attacks is. This is the time to keep our strnegth; the end is near, for we must continue to kill or capture those who would stand in the way of free elections in Iraq. Preferably kill. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Death Penalty is Appropriate

My view that we need to keep the death penalty around is strengthened in cases, such as the Peterson case, and even more so in the recent case concerning the person who ripped a baby from the womb of the mother that was murdered. Such people are inhuman and deserve to leave this life. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, December 4, 2004

Stupid Husband . . . . .

Married for about 8 weeks, and having 15-week-old twins, a man suspected his wife of cheating, found out she was in a Denny's and went inside to pick a fight with the alleged boyfriend of his wife. The man started a scuffle, then pulled out a gun, shooting the wife's friend three times, shooting at his wife, but missing, then fleeing. The man is stable and the husband is in jail. Seems he "just wanted to keep his family together." Well, stupid man, shooting someone is not the way to keep yur... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Strange that the same news sources who predicted gloom and doom

before the elections are now predicting a rosy economic period coming up in the near future now that Bush has won. Were the gloom and doom stories plants by various sources to encourage voters to switch to the Democrats? Are there any unbiased news sources? Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, November 1, 2004

Another reason we need to curtail illegal alien rights drastically:

Read the following link, particularly if you are a resident of North Carolina, and vote accordingly: Illegal Aliens with Licenses If you are not from North Carolina, make sure your state does not sneak this in on you. Sign in to see full entry.

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