Archie's Look at the News for Thursday, February 12, 2004

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Thursday, February 12, 2004

Breaking News - Kerry Unfaithful to Spouse?

There is a breaking news story on the web; for more information, click on the following link: From the Drudge Report; visit this site: Kerry Story Sign in to see full entry.

Drug Paraphernalia or Art?

Virginia Beach Police have charged a couple local glass blowers with making drug paraphernalia, glass pipes, which the Commonwealth Attorney says can be used to ingest drugs. The artists, who own a shop in Virginia Beach where they make many glass items for sale, say it is just art. I would like to see the pipes; I find it hard to believe that a glass pipe would be easy to smoke, or to hold, for drugs or for tobacco. Why doesn't our government go after real criminals? Anyway, here is a link to... Sign in to see full entry.

Another Problem Facing Kerry's Run for Office . . . .

if he becomes the Democratic choice to run against Mr. Bush is the gallery of Hollywood "far-lefties" who will undoubtedly support him. Such support will belie his true stance on issues and dampen the spirits of more moderate Democrats. Unfortunately, Bush is liberal enough to sooth the minds of many moderate Democrats, yet, he does not go too far left of center, and he is also not going to far right of center. I see problems for Kerry. I'll say it again, and again: Mr. Lieberman, if you look at... Sign in to see full entry.

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