Afzal 's view

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Friday, July 21, 2006

Autobiography of a blogger from India .

(Mental attitude to life is all that matters) Let me tell you one very interesting experience which I had in my life during my adolescence. One evening while I was sitting in my father’s shop Two fair gentlemen entered into my shop and wanted to know about the charges for making some garments.Since... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Why blame Christians for being CONSERVATIVE.

I do not agree with people who single out one community for any wrong or right in this world. Why should any one blame a religious group for being conservative pertaining to sex. Sex is a universal subject touching every human being. Sex is a natural drive like any other instinctive desire. We teach... Sign in to see full entry.

Dream Vs. Reality.

Dream means trance. Dream means delusion. Dream means hallucination. Dream means reverie. Dream means nightmare. Dream is vision. Dream therefore has both negative and positive connotations. Reality means certain. Reality means actual. Reality means Truth. Dream is nonexistent except that you have... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Random thoughts on "sensual pleasures"

Sensual pleasures give ultimate physical gratification but does it really fulfills your yearning for Love. I think many will say “no” but can they say “why” do they think that despite receiving sensual gratification they still yearn for something beyond fulfillment of their physical hunger which... Sign in to see full entry.

Should sex be equated with love .

I think sex is a biological need but it is more of psychological and emotional drive than a simple biological thrust as some may feel. I know of many men who may not feel a desire or drive for sex with certain women if they do not attract them or have sex appeal. Sex is not a normal biological need... Sign in to see full entry.

Is true love uncontrollable.

When some body asserted that true love is uncontrollable then I was made to ponder over as to how far he was true. I think True Love is totally controllable and containable. True Love makes you suave and courteous. It imbibes true affection with a balance of emotion and feeling in the heart of the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

(It is easy to seduce a woman) Some women can be easily seduced by emotional advances and materialistic charm. It is not very difficult to win the love of woman if you are a persistent lover. Women of weak mind with extra sensuous drive may fall just on a slight wag of a finger.Just a single wink... Sign in to see full entry.

Will it be good for you to know when you will die ?

I wonder what would happen to us if we could foresee our death. I think we would start getting fits to face death due to fear of leaving this world without completing one’s task and fulfilling one’s dream. It would also cause immense pain to humanity while waiting for death. However, I asked my... Sign in to see full entry.

Are women more faithful than men?

An usual allegation against men is that they are not faithful with women. I believe that women are actually less faithful than men. I have found some women taking advantage of their femininity to cheat men on various level. Many women often cry that men are not faithful and do not stick to one... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Random thoughts on "Narcissism".

Narcissism is a desire to press self-importance and to be self-absorbed. Many people live in utopia in respect of their own personality and feel more attached to their own image. Narcissism is in a way an act of self-praise and an addiction to keep selfness on the top priority. Be what it may... Sign in to see full entry.

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