Afzal 's view

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

(Family bond) One of the most power bond is the family bond. I have in frustration and general depression often thought of leaving my family but I could not. I can pass my day any where till the evening but night brings the fright of losing my family, so I must go home and relax with my family... Sign in to see full entry.

Random thoughts On "Enchantment of Love".

The whole world is enchanted by Love. Every body is in search of love. Small or big,old or young, sick or healthy, no body can live without love.Love is central to all our thoughts and activities. Love is the life line of human society. God needs love, Man needs love, Women need Love, Children need... Sign in to see full entry.

Can distance be an impediment to Love?

Where there is will there is a way. I think love knows no barriers. Why cannot any body fall in love with some one who is not within tangible reach or physical approach. I may like or admire a person for some special quality or element not present in others and this infatuation may lead to real... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Should virginity be the criteria of chastity .

In India every Man who wants to marry is expected to marry a virgin. Failure to marry a virgin may result into the failure of marriage. In India if any body finds his bride to be unchaste due to rupture of the screen of virginity or whatever other medical name you may call it by, believe me, the... Sign in to see full entry.

Random thoughts on "Miracle"

Miracle means wonder. Any thing or any event or turn of event which is difficult to believe or hard to understand is often called or described as Miracle. Miracle is associated with powers of God. When God does any thing to help man or sometimes when God desires to change the course of nature they... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

When does one become Old ?

Is it the feeling of waning memory or is it the weakening limbs of your body or is it your dampening spirit which makes you think that you have become old. I am in my fifties but I do not think that I have become old unless somebody points out to my seniority by calling me Uncle. I do not like any... Sign in to see full entry.

Is it good to be self-conscious ?

It is not only important but also good to be self-conscious. When one is self-conscious it will make him or her introspective to one’s own thought, appearance and image. It is one thing to be selfish and it is another thing to be self-conscious. I think every one should be self –conscious to the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Autobiography of a Blogger from India .

(My sister-in-law feigned to be possessed by evil spirits) Supernatural powers does intervene in the life of common man by way of belief in black magic and ghosts. Sometime back one of my brother-in- law got married to a young girl who later on came to know that his wife had been possessed by an... Sign in to see full entry.

Random thoughts on "Chastity"

Freedom from obscenity is chastity or is it cleanliness of the soul or is it purity of emotion or thought that is Chastity.Can we call any one unchaste for exposing once body or should we say that one is unchaste when one breaks the marital promise of keeping our body reserved for our spouse. One is... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Love is beautiful but complex.

It is not easy to gauge the intensity of Love when you are in Love. It is also not easy to know why you fall in love. I feel I have a unique heart it wants to be wide and open for one and all. Some times I think whether we should know and like more than one person of the opposite sex or should we... Sign in to see full entry.

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