Whacky's Corner

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Friday, July 31, 2009


 Yeah it is a neat website I just now heard about. Well, just a few minutes ago the phone rang. The caller ID said 'Find Toto.' I was intrigued so I answered. A recorded voice told me a neighbor had reported her cat missing. Gave a description of the kitty and a phone number to call if I had seen the kitty. Well, the description sounded familiar. I had seen the kitty. As a matter of fact I had seen the Siamese kitty they were describing almost every day during the month of May. Bo and I would... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 27, 2009


 Yeah it is true. I just saw it on TV. Okay it was a commercial for one of these new mops that squirt stuff right on the floor then mop it right up. Swiffers I think they are called. Then the old mop drove by the house in a Gremlin. Playing get this, "Love Stinks." I think I like the one where the mop has the DJ play "Don't you want me baby, " better. Because I like the song better. But then some of the songs they play on the commercials well a lot of them really end up playing in my head for... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Okay, I just saw on TV some guy walked into a Kroger's. Around here it would be Smith's supermarket. He filled his grocery cart with beer and just walked out. They have him on camera. Yet at the time no one noticed. He just strolled in loaded up his shopping basket and strolled um strolled out. I know it was the fourth of July and all, but I bet if I had tried to walk out with out paying for my hot dogs or even my hot dog buns, that all kinds of alarms would have gone off and they would have... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


That's what I managed to take a picture of with my new digital camera. My shoe that is. Though it would be a neat trick to take a picture of my camera with my shoe. I'll try that next. Thanks for dropping in. Do you think a shoe camera is a good idea? Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Ok did anyone else see the bear in California that broke into someone's house went into the refrigerator pushed aside all the vegetables and ate a box of chocolates? I saw this on the news but the only thing they showed was a bear strolling through someone's dining room. I guess that he was heading for the kitchen. What I want to know is how did he know where the kitchen was? Maybe he smelled the food? But then how did he know to open the refrigerator? I guess it could be that the smell of food... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


 Does anyone know why the eye drops are locked up, as if they were made of gold, at Walgreen's? I went to the all night Walgreen's to get some toothpaste and since I had run out of eye drops I thought I might just as well pick up a bottle while I was there. I couldn't cause they were all locked up. I remember the last time I bought eye drops I got them at Wal-Mart. As far as I can remember all of their eye drops are just on the shelf where you can grab them and go. Now when I first found the... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


: Yes! Apparently there in a new kind of phone that lets you nap every time you want to do something. Want your favorite pizza? There's a nap for that! Wow! This is great! I can nap and surf the net on my phone at the same time! Oh boy it just said want theater tickets? There's a nap for that! I wonder if they are free? Need to book a flight to Bora bora? There's a nap for that too! I love it and it is not the least bit boring is it? That's OK there is probably a nap for that too. The anti... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Actually I only bent it a little. In my defense, I didn't know she was there. Well, I did, but I forgot. Also that wing was sharp! It went into my head like a knife, or a pointy wing. I was in my car, trying to make a right hand turn. The sun was to my left shining in my eyes making it hard to see if the coast was clear for my turn. So I grabbed my visor shifting it over to my left to block out the glare of the sun. That's when it hit me. The angel's wing went into my right temple causing me to... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Really I did! I'll tell you all about it. about this time of year, Spring, I often spot a lot of sports cars,you know convertibles, most of them with the top down and driven by...well old bald guys. I always figute that their hat, or maybe their hair had blown away and they hadn't noticed. It's nice to see someone so happy that they haven't noticed that they have lost their hat and their hair and the sun is frying their brain. Usually by the time I spot one of them their head is so burned that... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I was going to write about something, but I don't remember what was the subject. One thing that seems to help me remember what it was I forgot, is not to think about it. But if I am not thinking about it, I have to think about something else. Now if I am thinking of something else, how can what I want to remember pop into my head? The real trick is to get everything out of my head to make room for what ever it is I'm looking for. Darn, I can't see it because it's stuck inside my head. I know!... Sign in to see full entry.

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