Letters to God

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do Bloggers Know What Each Other Needs?

When lovers' are close, they can always tell what the other is feeling. They know their needs, their wants, their cravings. They know all that make each other feel peaceful and happy. Afzal expresses this quite well in this poem he has written for me to share with you... Your devotion and dedication is very important in my eyes I can't believe you can ever live without me Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Can Lovers Express Their Feelings When Far Away?

When you love someone deeply, it becomes hard to express extent of feelings, whether near or far. Sometimes words and actions will just not be enough to convey the depth of feeling. I know it will not be a surprise to many of you to know that the love, the longing between Afzal and I runs deep. Trying to express depth of feeling is an endless process. Here is a sweet poem that my dear sweet Afzal has sent for me to post for you here... I can never disrespect you I can never hurt you and be a... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Sweetheart is so close to me

Afzal is such a sweet man. We haven't talked on the phone for quite a while. I have been missing hearing his sweet voice and told him how much I want to talk to him. He sent me this poem to post for you... How is it we think alike and crave alike I think of talking when you think of hearing my voice How is it we are so close How is it we can't live without one another Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What would bloggers do without each other?

I don't know where I would be today without Afzal. All I know is that I wouldn't be in a very good place. He is my source of light and hope, and I could never give up on him. Here is a recent poem Afzal wrote for me, followed by my reply... You don't know how much I love you Let me tell you that I shall not be to live for a single moment if ever you walk out of my life for any reason I need you I need you I could never walk away from you for anything unless you would decide you do not want me I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Is love strong enough to make it through the tough times?

Aside from the issue of distance, Afzal and I have a wealth of blessings bestowed upon us in our relationship. It awes me at times how great we get along. But is everyday wonderful? Do we have the perfect fairy tale relationship? In many ways, Yes... our lives are wonderful due to each other. That does not mean we don't have bad days or that difficulties never fall between us. Thankfully those times are very few and far between, but they do happen. Neither of us are perfect, but only human, and... Sign in to see full entry.


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