Letters to God

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Some Bloggers can make you feel like you have just started living

Afzal is a sweet man. He has not been feeling well since his return home from his business trip...yet he still continues to write for me and to deliver poems for me to post for you here. He is so passionate about the things that are important to him. I truly don't know how I have gotten through life till I have met him. He has changed the way I feel about many things. He has shown me a new view of life on so many levels. Here is his poem for today:)... You have made me live like I have never... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, January 17, 2011

He's such a sweet man in every way

My Baby is leaving on another business trip How far he is away from me, yet I fall apart when he is not home. I got to chat with him tonight, I had thought he already left...so that was a REAL pleasant surprise. He is such a sweetheart, he is everything I need. My dear sweet Afzal is so good to me. I am blessed beyond measure. Here is a poem he sent for me to post for you tonight... Such a sweetie... How can I thank God For being so kind to me How can I live without thanking For giving me such a... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sometimes only one thing can keep us sane

Afzal is my sanity. I had a horrible day yesterday. I slept all day and didn't wake up till it was time to chat. I couldn't get my computer to work and everything seemed to be going wrong. I missed chat, but Afzal called me a little later. Hearing his voice always seems to make everything alright. He has such a wonderful way with me like no one else. Here is a sweet poem he sent me last night, but I never got to post due to the chaos I was experiencing... I can never live Without you You have... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nothing as Sweet

There can be nothing so sweet as the words poured from the heart of the man that you dream of. Well, you all know who I dream of. Here is another poem from the sweet man that brings me constant comfort and peace... I can love nobody like I love you You are my life my world my dream I wish to live rest of my life and even beyond Thinking and dreaming about you Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is Sweetest for Me?

Afzal's love is deep, endless and true. It is never surprising, yet always very touching when he writes his special poems for me. I could never dream of anyone more sweet and loving. Here is the sweet poem he sent me tonight to post for you here... My life has turned beautiful and sweet because of your friendship and love You have given me all what I could ever dream or desire You have completed me and I need nothing in this world but you Sign in to see full entry.


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