Friday, October 7, 2005
Attraction Rather than Promotion
The attraction of twelve step programs is the people who successfully change their lives. Those who come in beaten up by drugs, alcohol or other addictions, find a new life. They are the attraction. "If you want what we have, then your are willing to follow certain steps. Willingness comes from...
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Conscious contact with a higher power.
Last night in our meeting Bill shared. Bill has a powerful connection with God. He told us about two miracles. The most recent one concerned his job. Bill is getting a divorce and doesn't have enough money to take care of himself and his two children. He has been making $15 an hour. In order to sell...
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Sunday, August 14, 2005
I'll never be normal.
Sometimes I wish that I was like average normal people. i wish that I made friends easily, did things in moderation and had easy self-confidence. But when I really think about it, I know that because of these things and other things that are wrong with me, I can help addicts. You don't have to be an...
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Saturday, August 13, 2005
Only one thing
Sometimes all I have energy for is one thing. But it is better that i do one thing instead of nothing and one thing instead of too much. Balance comes from doing a little bit at a time consistently.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Do the Footwork and then Relax
In order to recover we have to do what is required--work the steps, get a sponsor, go to meetings. But we also have to turn our life and our wills over to the care of God. These means that we have to wait for the changes. We must work, but then relax. The lazy one wil not recover, but the one that...
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
I won't use drugs or alcohol.
Someone I know called his sponsor and told him that he wanted to get loaded. His sponsor told him, to wait until tomorrow. The next morning he called his sponsor again. "I can get loaded today, right?" "No you have to wait until tomorrow. " All that is required of us is to not get loaded today.
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Spiritual Program
makes the difference. The stronger your connection with your higher power, the stronger your program, the better you will feel and do. Confidence and trust make it easier to feel good about ourselves and life. If that isn't true, then you may have either a concurrent mental illness, major trust...
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Living life without the use of drugs
is painful. But soon other feelings come throught also. Feelings such as joy, laughter and serenity. All the sharp edges of life are there. But experiencing feelings without numbness feels good after we get used to it. We begin to seek doing things that will give us a natural high. Walking fast,...
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Making Mistakes
Today when I went to buy groceries I found out that the store didn't take credit cards but my regular ATM card would work. (I have two, each for a different account.) I didn't have the one I use most often, so I tried the other one. It took me a while to locate the pin number. After I did then I...
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Monday, July 25, 2005
I am an emotional being.
Emotions are part of who I am. They are neither bad nor good. The problem isn't my feelings but my thoughts. Emotions come out of what I think about the situation. When I had twins I thought it was the hardest thing in the world. Other parents found it no big deal. For some people the death of a...
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