Nanaroo to you...

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Come and see the rest of the Veggie pals!

Yesterday, as we were out on the bikes, a whole skit just came to me out of the blue- it's a skit for our company sales meeting in December. I told hubby about it and we laughed so hard that I decided to write it out. I'll let you know if anyone wants to do it! I didn't know that motorcycling could... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

On a more vegetarian note...

I've got a bunch of these creative photos that I think you will enjoy... here are the first few and I'll add more later... Happy Saturday!!! "> Sign in to see full entry.

Have you heard of "Nose to Tail" eating????

I've been intrigued by this after hearing a story about it on NPR radio. There is a type of cooking (and eating) called 'Nose to Tail' eating and it's all about 'eating the whole beast' as part conservation of the environment and partly to honor the animal who gave its life for the eater. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Yippee!!! Friday!!!

Yay! I can't wait to get out on my motorcycle this weekend! I got caught up on my sleep last night and am feeling much better. M.Cat woke me up at 3:30 and 4:30 but I got back to sleep OK. Have a wonderful Friday, everyone and I'll check in later to see if there are any Blogit parties going on! Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Active listening...

I've finally developed the skill of 'active listening'! Hey, this is a big thing for me- I've always been a 'quiet listener'. Well, when you listen to people whose first language is not English, they tend to rattle on and on and the tendency for most people is to politely just listen quietly. Not... Sign in to see full entry.

A daybreak swim...

I'm thinking of going for a swim at daybreak this morning! I've been up since about 3:30am. Mister Cat had his part to play in that but I wasn't sleeping anyway. I know I need to start getting more exercise- that would help me sleep better and I'm just craving it. Fitting exercise into a busy work... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Waaaaaa---- I wanna be an astronaut!

.. I said to myself as I drove the concrete jungle of the L.A. freeways today. Today, I was the freeway cowboy, ever vigilant, watching right and left, seeing all kinds of unbelievable things. (Yes, the freeways in L.A. are about as crazy as they are in the movies!) I listen to NPR when I'm on the... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Smallest Common Denominator

What was the smallest common denominator of your day? Mine was coming home, playing with Mister Cat (who is also my sous chef) and cooking supper for us. The actual smallest common denominator was crushing the garlic that went into the dinner. I love cooking and I love combining meats, spices, and... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ants can't swim!!!

How may of you have to leave pet food out and also have a problem with hoards of ants that have developed a great appetite for pet food? (Show of hands) Well, Mister Cat and I have come up with a solution that you may or may not have heard of... a MOAT! We put Mister Cat's dishes in a tray of water,... Sign in to see full entry.

Mondays are different now...

... for me now that I am 'out of retirement' and back to work! When hubby and I found ourselves without any retirement money I decided to join him in a ten year push to see what we could do to accumulate something to retire on. My job has already exceeded my expectations and I've found that I was up... Sign in to see full entry.

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