The Secret Life Of Cats

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Wednesday, September 24, 2003

9/24/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

On the instructional front, Daphne is turning into an eager beaver on the fast track toward her BSFN. I'm trying to reach Guinevere to rush her degree to her - she is very advanced for somekitty in her stage of training, and I'm so pleased. That's worrisome, though - Guinevere hasn't been talking... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

9/23/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

My human has a spate of doctor's appointments this week. Today, she visits someone called a psychiatrist. This particular doctor prescribes medication for her depression. Tomorrow she visits another doctor, regarding another problem. Yesterday, she had to see someone about her bad back. She's had... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

9/21/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I have yet another patient to worry about. The third human living in my household, my patient's daughter, has been having nightmares of late. The details of those nightmares are so graphic that if I were to publish them here, there would be a need to change the category of this blog, and my human... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 20, 2003

9/20/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

Things have quieted considerably on the home front. On Monday, my human goes in for one final diagnostic test, and then we shall see if her evil vet man thinks she needs to be spayed. I apologize profusely for not updating my field notes sooner, but I have been busy taking care of my humans. It's an... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

9/17/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

It seems my human is prone to developing polyps over numerous areas of her body. This time, one developed in her womb. It will require urgent surgery to remove it, and although it isn't cancerous in all likelihood, a cancer surgeon is the only type of surgeon with expertise in removing things from... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 15, 2003

9/15/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

This is an update I've probably promised to put in here earlier. As usual, I got detained with professional duties and could not write in here before now. My human is extremely worried - not about any of the lab results she received the other day, but about the other human in the house. He is due to... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

9/11/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I would like to take the time to repeat a very special memorial. After America was attacked so brutally two years ago, there were many puppies and dogs that were used as therapy dogs - canine nurses if you will. They did an excellent job of calming and soothing humans so distressed at seeing loved... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, September 9, 2003

9/9/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

This seems like a very ordinary day here at the Peters household. However, that's how it felt two years ago when those terrorists decided to land a couple of planes in the World Trade Center. I would like to pay tribute here to the many skilled canine nurses - you humans call them "therapy dogs" -... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, September 8, 2003

9/8/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

I can tell you this morning that at least one of my humans - the one with gout - has improved immensely. He will be going to his human doctor next Monday, and I will give you an update at that time on him. My regular patient is going to her doctor this Friday. The past few weeks have seen her go... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, September 6, 2003

9/6/2003 Nurse Garfield's Field Notes

This has not been a good day. First of all, my human's back problem has relapsed, and is quite painful. This is in addition to the sinus condition for which she needs surgery. Then, my other human developed symptoms of gout. This is starting to get extremely ridiculous, almost as if bad luck has... Sign in to see full entry.

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