Irish Eye's Imagination

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Hero's Heart

Did I tell you thanks? I hope I did. You calmed my sorrow, And gave me a smile. I know your heart, It beats free, Seeking what is true. You see beyond what’s there, You go deeper and I know, You see me. Did I tell you thanks? I hope I did. I look for you, To let me know, How I am doing. However I’m... Sign in to see full entry.

The Morning After

Olivia was rinsing her hair in the shower, she’d awaken first and didn’t think David would mind. She smiled as she recalled the night, glad she had stayed. The shower curtain parted startling her a bit, she nodded and smiled when she seen David his eyes beckoning to enter. As he stepped in behind... Sign in to see full entry.

hero's morning

Sunrise Smile Good morning day as broke, Sun is not yet up. Wiping sleep from my eyes, Hoping to catch a sunrise. Did you toil though your night, While the world quietly slept? If so refresh and take a seat, Come watch the sunrise with me. Alas you smile so beautifully, Is that smile because of me?... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A thought:

Two become one....melting together, intermixed, blended, stirred and shaken. I'm not talking physical, but can two separate minds become one? If I start a phrase can you complete it? And would I agree? It's magical how minds can connect, and when they do....there is an awareness that wasn't there... Sign in to see full entry.

Always remember

Tears Simple little things, Wet on my cheek. Wiped away they just repeat, Small drops of memory, Erupting from my heart. Sigh....... It's not the tears that hurt, It's the thoughts, Did I do enough? Did she feel loved? I know I tried, Sigh....... Another memory slides down my cheek. Sign in to see full entry.

For my mom

Paralyzing Grief When she died she took my heart, I miss her still she was my friend, My joy, my council, My mother. She departed too soon, I was not ready, I thought we had more time. I have questions, I forgot to ask, To late for her to answer. We talked everyday, Sometimes frivolous and fun, Or... Sign in to see full entry.


What do you do? What do I do? He misunderstood. I only intended to encourage, Words get twisted, Meanings changed. I could shake him, But he's tired, Perhaps his perception confused. I will leave it now, Sweep it under the rug. Smooth out the bumps, Do you see the lumps? What do I do, He... Sign in to see full entry.

Taking It Further

Their dinner was perfect just the right amount of conversation and great food. After drinks and now he’d asked her to dance. He still had a lingering hint of their encounter, a bruise along his face. Olivia touched it gently he smiled and nodded, giving her a soft kiss warm on her lips. His touch... Sign in to see full entry.


Lost I'm saddened this moment in time, My heart feels it's loss. But I just met you, And I wanted to continue. You can't or don't want, The same thing. I'll can deal with the ache, But what grips my heart, Is what I have lost. It slipped through my hands, Like the sand. The worst thing is, He blames... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

summer fun

God's Night Lights I peer off my deck, Into the still dark night. I witness a flicker. It's there again, But further away. No continuity, This is truly bizarre. Are my eyes playing tricks? Oh.....sure silly me, Lightning bugs!!!! God's Night Lights. Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)