Irish Eye's Imagination

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Cruel Words

Why Tears Hurtful cruel words uttered, Pain sharp as a thousand knives, Pierce my heart. The hate relived over, Again in my mind. Pain not physical, Burns deep like, Lingering red embers, After the fiery intentions die. Why do the tears fall, But to extinguish, Embers left behind still burning. When... Sign in to see full entry.

mature content

Cowboy's Birthday Conquest “Christy… God you are so beautiful please let me kiss you,” he pleaded taking her into his arm. His lips didn’t take no for an answer. He gently took charge, sliding his tongue inside teasing and enticing her to feel ever more. Dusty moved his hands under her shirt cupping... Sign in to see full entry.

note to friends

Talk to me Don't be afraid to tell me, What you really think. I can't learn if I don't know, What it is I'm doing wrong. If it's just a difference of opinion, Then tell me yours, I might change mine. Look at me with open eyes, As that is how I look at you. Don't be cruel, As I never am. But if you... Sign in to see full entry.


Tomorrow What about tomorrow? Shall we put off living today because there is tomorrow. I think tomorrow is a dream to reach for, But today we work to fulfill our dreams. Today we need to smile, To inspire, listen, and live as if there is no tomorrow. If our dream was taken from us, Would you be... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Encounter

Her smile had to be contagious as he was smiling back, he's so handsome, why is he just standing under the tree? I'll share his bench....I only moved so I could remember him here. Does he know I wonder? Maybe I should talk to him first? She stood and closed her book, glancing shyly at him, she... Sign in to see full entry.

mature subject matter

Skinny Dip….More Heat “God you are a naughty little wench aren’t you?” Tommy laughed watching as Laura teased the last drop of Butterscotch syrup from it’s bottle. Her tongue coaxed the sticky sweetness slithering over it’s top making Tommy hot just watching her. “Naughty……wench…..hummmm what do you... Sign in to see full entry.

Cowboy's Birthday Gift

Dusty finally woke noticing Christy instantly he smiled the first of the day she smiled back at him. His headache had dulled immensely, and he was actually beginning to feel like he may survive his 21 st birthday hangover after all. “Hey, what are you doing? I thought I asked you to cuddle with me,”... Sign in to see full entry.

puzzled thought

Questions Why does my heart pour out onto a page? Do I need to express the love, the pain? If I see it written.... will it somehow mend, What in me is twisted and bent? Is what we know within ourselves, A burning fire of life yet to live, Or a self destruction only we know? What is truth if it can... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Skinny Dip, With Ice Cream for Dessert

Laura winked at Tommy who had just finished the dance with her, and whispered in his ear, "I'm hot want to come with me an cool off?" Now Tommy wasn't a boy scout, but he wasn't really sure what Laura was offering. "Cool off?" he asked intrigued, he didn't need cooled off he needed more attention if... Sign in to see full entry.

Tree House Seduction cont.

Kim bolted upright in bed, wiping sleep from her unfocussed eyes, the neon green glow of her clock radio said 3:00 AM. Who could be banging at her door at this hour? She pulled on her robe covering the silk negligee she was wearing. Kim negotiated around her furniture walking swiftly through her... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)