Sunday, October 15, 2006
While discussing a life long issue of shame a friend was trying to overcome yet has a closed door to the root of that shame, Watchman gave this expression for consideration: I do try to avoid any religious discussion, but then if we are discussing the subject of shame, one really cannot disconnect...
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Friday, February 4, 2005
Waking up to Reality--Change Back--
The following letter was sent to me in 1997, as I began to study scripture for myself and see there were vast differences between what I was indoctrinated with and what was actually written. Breaking through the disguise of myth, ignorance and fear which make religion the powerful influence that it...
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
I received the following letter from G. James Stewart back in 1997. I had never thought that religion was a part of the misery that beset humanity, being a Christian (mormon convert) I grieved over the way we treated others, the violence and hypocracy of morality and the impossiblity of acheiving...
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Morality that is born out of the human heart
Before writing Immorality of Christianity, G. James Stewart embraced Christianity, for the same reasons that most find themselves falling prey to it's teachings, through the emotional perssuasion of the life of Jesus, his humanity towards others and acceptance and love he offered. But the hypocrisy...
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Friday, October 15, 2004
God is what you create when you have no reason
G. James Stewart and I had been having some serious conversations about religion, God, Jesus and humanity for several months when I sent him a personality profile of him I constructed from Western & Chinese astrology. Astrology was my "first" religion, I became a convert when I was fourteen, and...
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
To Purchase what is Free--
Purchasing Liberty Delusion From the womb of wonder all are sent and nourished from the Mother’s breast. She holds in awe the innocent life and sings the hymns like lullabies with tinkling timbrels and fiendish fables making promises of heavenly Angels where cherub-like children have magic wings and...
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
I was shown a picture of a dead man on a cross. . .
I received this letter from G. James Stewart the first week of February, 1997. We had been conversing on Chat for several months, through the winter, and I had come to appreciate his views on life and humanity, finding he was of the same view as myself. I never like competition or false images of...
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
(Some) Men and Bullshit seem to go hand in hand
I’ve been watching C-Span. What an uplifting and world encompassing address the President of Brazil gave to the Heads of State at the U.N. So lucid and engaging. Addressing the REAL problems our world governments and institutions need to address in order to bring peace and prosperity to all lands...
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Freedom from Religion
I was insecure in my new awareness of freedom. I had so long depended on the ritual of prayer and obedience to God for direction, I felt as though I was floundering, a "fish out of water," gasping for the familiar liquid that gave me breath and life. But it no longer made sense to me, faith and...
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Praise the Lord
Dear Friend; I am doing quite well this fine February morning, thank you, except I'm still a bit weak. Yes, events just like the Crucible are still going on in this world. There are countries in Africa where the religious leaders stir up the people into a frenzy about Evil, and then hoards will go...
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