Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Drink your milk – and Die!
Drink your milk for strong bones and teeth! Did your mother ever tell you this? She’s right – if you are a calf. After all, milk is nature’s way of adding 300 pounds to a calf and turning it into a cow in about a year. Television and radio carry generic ads sponsored by the “Milk Council” – which seems to be a sub-unit of the National Dairy Council. These same guys sponsor ads in newspapers, magazines, bill boards – in fact, just about wherever you look, you will see something enticing you to...
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
Chicken Little Agenda links Corrected
I have been absent from Blogit for a while. Before I left, I had set up links to my recently published book, The Chicken Little Agenda – Debunking Experts' Lies. During my absence, I modified the underlying website for this book. Consequently, the links on Blogit were broken. They have now all been corrected. You can review excerpts from the book at THE CHICKEN LITTLE AGENDA—DEBUNKING EXPERTS' LIES. On August 22, I was interviewed by Bill Handle on KFI in Los Angeles. That afternoon, my sales...
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Friday, July 21, 2006
AIDS/HIV – A Nobel Prize Perspective
AIDS—Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. Thought by many to be the scourge of the millennium, in the last decade AIDS has become a household word and, for many, a terrifying end to a troubled life. During the second Reagan presidential campaign in 1983, then Secretary of Health and Human Services, Margaret Heckler, and Robert Gallo from National Institutes of Health, made a startling announcement: AIDS, that strange and terrifying disease that was sweeping through the ranks of San Francisco...
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
If you want to know the truth about Chernobyl...
Check this out: When Nuclear Goes Wrong.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Lead Crystal – The Sneaky Killer
One of the finer things in life is a glass of great wine drunk from a sparkling crystal goblet—or is it? Joseph H. Graziano is a toxicologist at Columbia University’s College of physicians and Surgeons. As reported in Science News, ten years ago he and internist Conrad Blum studied the effects of storing alcoholic beverages in and consuming them out of leaded crystal containers. “Lead crystal” typically contains twenty-four to thirty-six percent lead oxide which gives this glass its...
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Back on December 7, 2003 I wrote “ To Live Forever - Or at Least as Long as Possible.” In that article I made one particular point: The single most significant discovery thus far is caloric intake's effect on aging. In test animals, with all other things being equal, the animal with the lowest caloric intake consistent with otherwise healthy living, lives longer by a significant factor – 20% or more. Translated into human terms, this has the potential for extending the maximum lifespan from 120...
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Saturday, January 31, 2004
Okay, it's time to put myself back on the list. Please go and read some of my past postings. I'll be bringing more in the near future: ISLAMIST VIOLENCE - 28 days ago Solving the Terror Matrix - One of the real problems faced by the U.S.... World - Popularity rank: 1109 DEFENSEWATCH - 25 Dec 2003 President Bush Sends His Regards - By now no one on this planet with a... World - Popularity rank: 2206 SCIENCE 101 - CHICKEN LITTLE'S JOURNAL - 19 minutes ago Exxon Valdez, 15 Years Later - They did it...
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Sunday, December 7, 2003
Death and taxes: The two certain things in life, we are told. To my personal delight, several Congressmen and Senators are working on the second, at least so far as income taxes at the federal level are concerned. There is a chance, albeit slight, that they can succeed in removing much of our income tax burden. This in no way changes the inevitability of death and taxes, however. All their success will do is shift the taxing entity or the way taxes are collected. And what about the second, the...
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
AIDS has variously been described as the scourge of the century, the worst killer of the millennium, the biggest threat to humanity since the Black Death…. Whether or not these descriptions are accurate or even true, the public’s perception holds AIDS to be this arch villain. It has certainly been the focus of a significant part of the Biotech Industry since President Ronald Reagan’s fateful 1983 announcement about the probable connection between AIDS and HIV. What we seemed to have identified...
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