Tuesday, December 13, 2011
What the hell has Mal been doing lo all these months? Well, check my Route 6 Blog for an idea, though it just scratches the surface of what I've been doing with my time. Every day, from 8am-3pm, I sit and polish up my US Route 6 guidebook. I've decided on a self-publisher (Amazon), and will start... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
And you say Redneck like it's a bad thing...
First of all - I'd like to let all know that yesterday we got our power back! Yay. That means morning showers (without having to pack an overnight bag to get cleaned up), reading with real electric lights at night and cooking at home. Romance dies pretty quickly when you have to give up modern... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"It's Like Living in a Cabin"
"It's like living in a cabin." That's my son's response when I inform him that our house will be without electricity for another week (we lost it at 6:30am Sunday when Hurricane Irene hit). Now, I'm not without romantic inclinations. And there is something very Waldenesque about "camping out"... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
It Will Be A Long, Loud Night
We made the trip to and from college in record time, with hardly another car on the road. Right now, it's almost 10PM, and the talking heads on all TV and radio stations have been discussing Irene like she's an annoying, potentially dangerous friend who has overstayed her welcome. All I know is that... Sign in to see full entry.
Come On Irene
It's college move-in day for my youngest, Jacob, with school about a 2 1/2 hour drive away. We live in a Coastal Connecticut city, one of Hurricane Irene's prime targets, but all the road/bridge/tunnel closings are not supposed to happen till later tonight. So, we plan to run that crazy NY roadway... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
From Badass to Milquetoast
Last night, I watched the delightful romantic comedy, "Crazy, Stupid, Love" - a good portrayal of angsty couples in turmoil. I was happy to see middle-aged but still beautiful Juliana Moore un-Botoxed. Steve Carrell was wonderful, too, as her hapless, cuckolded husband. Carrell does hapless well,... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Melting Doing the Greenwich Sidewalk Sales Today
Nothing - not even 97 degree heat with 90% humidity will keep me from the yearly sales on tony Greenwich (CT) Ave. And today was particularly special because my younger son, Jacob, returned home from a 7 week study stay in Iceland. I hadn't seen him since May 20 - I left on my cross-country trip... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Urine-Town; the Dangers of Peeing in the Wrong Place
Every day, Paper.li delivers my Twitter stream in newspaper format. For some reason there were two random items about urination and its consequences under the Travel heading. Caution; peeing in the wrong place can get you killed. That's what happened in Washington State's Olympic National Park when... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Wow - it's been a whole quarter of a year since I've written here. How did that happen? I'll tell you how - I drove cross country on US Route 6 for the past 6 weeks, and just got back home yesterday. Along the way, I met amazing people, was interviewed by newspapers (and on Los Angeles TV - that was... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Carol Burnet Show Outtake that Never Aired: Hilarious
I know this will date me, but when I was a kid, I never missed a week with Carol Burnet and friends. I just discovered this censored outtake and it represents why I loved the show so much. Watch and enjoy! Sign in to see full entry.