Discombobulated's Poetry

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Friday, February 9, 2007


Windows 10/2/07 Through untouchable Impenetrable windows I can see your passion. So clear But absolutely universes away. Somewhere in a deep night It’s out there. You are lying in your bed Do you wonder about me? Do your flowers wilt without my water? Sign in to see full entry.


Oh boy this is twisted, but what the hell, I'll post it. Americans 10/2/07 We Americans invented just about Everything We’re first with just about Everything Even the things you wish could be disinvented. I may live in New Zealand But I’m still obnoxious. Sign in to see full entry.

The Gold

An ooooold poem. Written about 11 years ago. Dedicated to VHM, who still talks about it to this day. The Gold I never wanted the gold, I just wanted the rainbow. To hold it in my hand, And feel it's warm, vivid colors, All mine to admire. Sign in to see full entry.

The Cautious Romantic's love poem

The Cautious Romantic’s love poem 2/6/06 The sun is burning brightly, I just hope my wings don’t melt. Sign in to see full entry.


Destruction 25/9/06 There’s a heat between us There’s something between our souls You and I Lightning has struck us We can’t stuff this secret back inside It’ll destroy me It’s already consumed my mind I fear the destruction to come I fear the inevitable Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Tweaked slightly 8/2/07 Memory 7/2/07 Your rich eyes looked into mine Your smile, your laugh I grasp for these things in my memories. My memory already fades, but I hold on to your eyes most of all. Can there possibly be larger eyes in this world? Does anyone look with amazement the way you do? Has... Sign in to see full entry.


Someone 7/2/07 Come out come out Dear interesting one you make me wonder you make me ponder you share the name of one I once loved you are young and growing what will you be? You seem a disinterested poet casting off your words so easily your talent boggles. Does your passion spark as hard as it... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


I took a test entitled "Are you a secure lover?" at tickle.com. Not too surprising to me, I came up as fearful avoidant. I was a little surprised that it said that I have a fairly healthy attachment style, I thought I'd be a lot more screwy. But anyway, my point is that I think I learned a bad habit... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Stolen season

Stolen season 5/2/07 Us, To be in each other’s presence Is a parallel universe String theory in motion Happening in the background, like a perpetual February 29, a wormhole that shouldn't exist. Autumn leaves fell around us Like the leaves of my old life Leaves that do not exist where my life is now... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

He and she

I'll be tweaking this one for awhile, if not in perpetuity. An attempt at autobiography, revelation of a particular time and place in my life... well it's more like a parallel universe. Happening in the background, like a perpetual February 29, a wormhole that shouldn't exist. He and she 5/2/07 In... Sign in to see full entry.

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