Discombobulated's Poetry

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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Exhausted part two

Exhausted part two 11/3/07 My desires Are no foe I resist but know It is futile I am washed away with the tide. Then why do I continue to fight…? Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 9, 2007


Exhausted 10/3/07 I am tired. Fighting the shadows Of yourself Can make you a tad Fatigued. Wounding and healing Chastising and indulging Wears a bit thin. I fight The desire inside But it does not go anywhere It still burns and yearns Staring at me with its golden brown eyes And like fighting a... Sign in to see full entry.


Dreams 10/3/07 If I live in my dreams I must leave you. My mind is not with you My body rides along I let myself be carried I dream of someone else. The whispered name Is not yours My cries of pleasure Are not for you. My passion Is in another land…. Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Human 8/3/07 When I grow impatient When I fear you When I suspect you I must remember You are human You have a heart Like me I am not your victim You are not out to hurt me We are both adults We are both in this Eyes wide open If only everyone else Remembered that From time to time Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Another curious poem. Hearteater 1/28/99 Hearteater wants my heart Stalks me like a lion Long white canines ready to Suck up my heart juice. Hearteater Packs heart in dry ice To make it cold enough. Hearteater Fries heart in love grease To turn it hot enough. Hearteater doesn’t want brains Brains... Sign in to see full entry.


A curious poem about someone I am no longer in love with. But the poem is quirky. Heaven 5/9/99 He approached me closed the distance between us to embrace me, to finally entwine his soul with mine My body became as a pillar knowing only itself and it was finally my turn to be cold. Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Real 5/3/07 I want us to be real. Right now we are a dream An alternate future A distant past. I want to pull you Into my present Find you and lay my hands on you To reassure myself You exist. I want to once again See the love in your eyes Your gentle smile And never leave it again. I want my... Sign in to see full entry.

Swept away

Right now I am still recovering from reading The Time Traveller's Wife; I was swept away into that world and I haven't quite come back to reality yet. So when I am back to my normal self (which will be soon), I'll write poetry again. Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

A little prose piece

Inspired by OneTimeAgain's latest poem. From adoration and contempt tussling with one another, the evolved mind creates faith. Contempt, if it wins, only breeds doubt and dissolution. Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, March 2, 2007


Flesh 3/3/07 Give me the pleasures of your flesh Your passion transmuted Into carnal desire Hips you cannot resist Legs wrapping Tight flesh caressing Holding into one another. Sign in to see full entry.

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