Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Well, if men can GO FISHING……….then why can’t we women have some pleasure in life, too! I put this note on my door last Thursday when I left work (the education staff might not have appreciated it, but I was in the mood to get out and have a day off). I planned to go shopping with my sister on... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Meet Splat..........Imagine an egg splattered on a hot concrete walk..
Imagine an egg splattered on a hot concrete walk. Now imagine the yolk of the egg (resembling that of a head) at one end of this splattered object and imagine a furry tail at the opposite side of this object. Now imagine four skinny legs (two on both sides) of this object in between the "head" and... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
He's Still Here and I'm Not Leaving........the fight is on.
Both gates need fixing; the garage is messy with all his tools and every other thing you can imagine. The faucet leaks in our bathroom and his shoes are still by his chair where he left them the night before. He’s still here and I’m not leaving. He likes westerns and the history channel. He still... Sign in to see full entry.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
A Marriage Made in Heaven..They went to the movies and came home married!
They sat next to each other holding hands in the dark auditorium of the movie theater. This was their time to be together. It is 1949 and the girl is a Senior in high school. They had never actually had a date. She had a very strict Daddy who insisted she be 18 years old before she dated but she had... Sign in to see full entry.