Saturday, August 7, 2010
I recently posted a comment on Darson's Blog about her health scare, it did get me thinking we really don't what lies ahead. I'm 22 and I've been in and out of hospital since I was thirteen for various conditions, I'm OK now but in a few years time I will be high risk for colon cancer, I know you... Sign in to see full entry.
'Duncashane darlings Duncashane '
This isn't fit, but a thank you those who stopped and checked out my pure moments of insanity, much appreciated.I will be returning the favor shortly, I am currently drunk on blogit so it might be sooner than you think. Take care Brittwit Sign in to see full entry.
There's a Facebook for Dummies lol
I was surfing the internet and I found a book on the above title, people are actually stupid enough to purchase advice on socializing is this what our dumbfounded society's come to. Oh I suppose theirs a niche for almost anything these days. Although I have to admit facebook is constantly changing... Sign in to see full entry.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Relationships are a minefield
For sake of sounding like Carrie Bradshaw, are relationships worth escalating into marriage? I seen marriages come together and than fall apart. I think marriages are the Rolls Royce of relationships there expensive and take a lifetime to fix. Maybe I'm to young to be hardened cynic but isn't a... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
British Politics
As a Brit I thinks our Government is an insult to injury, the injury being our current economy we have and Conservative and Liberal Government, not my idea I voted the complete opposite. The unemployment figure is an nether-land for the unemployed, this new Government wants cut the benefits, which... Sign in to see full entry.
The Death Of Celebrity
We all know about the shambles that is Hollywood, the amount ridiculous controversy is the crux of good old Tinseltown. Take Lindsay Lohan the poster child of criminal activity, it seems this the only real talent she has, Acting is just an abandoned past time. Not to get nostalgic but where are the... Sign in to see full entry.