Auslander's World

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's the season of the asparagus!

For the last 3 or 4 weeks now, the new fresh asparagus have appeared in the German Markets. And one of their specialities is the Weiss Spargel; the white asparagus. They are simply delicious! To keep them from becoming green, they simply cover them (used to be in soil and straw) and keep them cover... Sign in to see full entry.

Zwingenberg Schloss

On our last bike ride, we decided to take the train and stop at the farthest town that we had reached by bike and then continue east from there. The valley of the Neckar is beautiful and not at all over-populated (nothing like along the Rhein for e.g.). There are still many farms and we saw tractors... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

At last, the identity of the mysterious smelling-plant!

While on the bike ride yesterday, my Mann and I (sonny was having fun at the pool) noticed that some people were avidely reading something by the side of the trail. Quite often, in Germany, you have these posters on wood panels that explain where you are, where you are going and also a bit about the... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Something a bit more up-lifting!

We haven't seen any dead baby birds on the balkony today. So, hopefully that's it for the culling! On a more up-lifting note: today my son went with some of his friends to an indoor-outdoor public pool close to Heidelberg and they saw a special pool for pooches! It is part of the same pool-ground... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Little drama on my balkony

The house we are renting in Germany is not completely finished yet. There still are a few wires down stairs that are NOT connected to anything, a few holes in the walls (that might have been put there to pass the un-connected said wires) and especially, the outside is un-finished red blocks of... Sign in to see full entry.

Sweet smell in the air...

Since the begining of Spring there is a special something in the air. At first we thought that it was a neigbour, but then realised that it smell about the same all over the neighbourhood along the roads and even along the river Neckar. What could that be? We wondered. This sweet smell of freshly... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Funny tidbits on Germans and Germans'lifes

As I was standing at the Bahnhof (train station), waiting for my S-Bahn (city train), I started looking around and noticed that the only persons around me with very long hair (middle of the back or longer) were men! Most of them had horse-tails (pony-tails?), some had braids, some had... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A bit more on Morocco

I quite liked the little town of Chef-Chaouèn. It is south of Ciudad and just a few kilometers from Tanger. It is also surrounded by the high mountains of Rif. The name actually has something to do with the twin mountain peaks close by overlooking and protecting the town. Until fairly recently (1920... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Morocco, land of desert, djellabas, sun and beaches. Well, not exactly sun and beaches. Not for our little group anyway. I went to Morocco with a group on the first weekend that I was in Spain. It was organize by a company called Study and Travel and many language schools in Spain deal with it. We... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Well, that was rather disapointing! We went to Sinsheim for the fohlenmarkt, and althought, there were lots of people, with balloons and games etc., there were no fohlen at all! Fohlen is the German words for Foals (baby horses) and we thought, with a name like that and the publicity in the local... Sign in to see full entry.

Headlines (What is this?)