About zoke

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Picture of zoke
Life is still in flux and I keep rolling with the punches...but man is body getting awefully sensitive. Anyway, I'm back for another round of loudmouth blogging that's sure to incite if not invite, controversy. At the very least I'll try and keep it not boring.
United States
Primary occupation:
Computer Tech
Dream occupation:
Magazine Writer, Humorist
Schools attended:
I like:
Writers, Politicians(yes), and Physics admirers
Favorite writers:
George Orwell, Phillip K. Dick, Chuck Palanuick, Kafka, Dostoevesky
Favorite books:
The Life of Pi, Choke, Red Mars, A Passage to India, A Scanner Darkly
Favorite newspapers:
Boston Globe, NYT, L.A. Times
Favorite magazines:
Writer's Digest, Astronomy, Scientific American, Discover
Favorite music:
The Who, Enigma, The Stones, The Beatles, ELO,Queen
Favorite movies:
Forrest Gump, Memento, Lone Star, Star Wars, The Matrix
Favorite TV shows:
X-Files, Three's Company, The Hulk, Reboot, Seinfeld
Favorite teams:
Red Sox, Patriots, L.A. Galaxy, L.A. Dodgers
Favorite quote:
An unexamined life is not worth living