About xenalike

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A forty year old writer I am. I was diagnosed with depression at age fourteen . I have often used writing to combat the depression. I am also a friend of Bill Wilson. I drank because of the depression. No longer do I drink. I am single. Have two cats to keep me company, Spooks, and Nala. Two children. Rachel and Lauren. They live with their dad and step-mother. Lost them in the divorce due to depression and alcoholism. They are two of my favorite people. Lived in an alcoholic household as a child. My real mother died when I was 3 1/2. My father died when I was 8 1/2. He abused me physically as a child. He was a heavy drinker, as well as the woman he married after my mother died. She was also depressed. I can remember my father putting my two brothers, that were close in age to me, in the back seat of the car to take her to the hospital for electro-shock therapy when she had her bouts of depression. Chaos was all I ever knew as a child. The chaos followed me throughout my life. Little did I know that it would be my driving force to create some of the written works I developed. Writing is the release of my soul. I am looking into getting published. I enjoy writing poetry, short stories, and children's stories. I have a shoebox full of material I have scribed throughout the past five years. Some of it is worthwhile. Some of it is not. I learned never to throw anything away. Someone else might enjoy reading it, even if I believe it is not worthy. We all have reasons for writing. I have shared a miniscule amount of my reasons. Later on, I will share more.

I am also a personal training coach with fifteen years experience with fitness and weight training on the Keen website. For a consultation with me about your personal fitness needs, go to: