About unique_one

 See my Member Profile

Hello all,

 I am a short blonde with a lot to talk about. I am very hyper and can't sit still. I have 2 cats (Snookum and Maggie). I enjoy having my own style, although it can be lonely at times. I have a strong passion for writing and wish that I had more time to write. I am a tom-boy and my girlie girl friends are always trying to make me more feminine.

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
published author
Richmond VA
Schools attended:
a small Christian school that you have never heard of
I like:
i love to laugh. i usually have a smile on my face
Favorite writers:
don't really have one favorite writer. my favorite poet is Emily Dickinson
Favorite books:
Biographies, Christian Non-Fiction, and Little Women
Favorite newspapers:
don't read the paper, except for the classifieds
Favorite magazines:
Todays Christian Woman, Writer's Digest
Favorite music:
alternative, contemporary. (Drowning Pool, DC Talk, Matchbox 20, Shania Twain)
Favorite movies:
Spanglish (really hit home with me), the Haunting, Pratical Magic, and the list goes on
Favorite TV shows:
all of the Law and Order, CSI. anything with dead people and a mystery
Favorite teams:
when the NHL was around, New York Rangers
Favorite quote:
Sieze the Day... Hakuna Matata