About telynor

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pal·imp·sest (n): 1.A manuscript, typically of papyrus or parchment, that has been written on more than once, with the earlier writing incompletely erased and often legible.

Yep, that's me, continually being rewritten and reworked in my ongoing struggle to get myself back to normal. Whatever normal might be. To all of you out there, I'm usually known as Telynor, sometime writer and artist, a woman of a certain age, who lives somewhere north of New York City on the Hudson. Currently obsessed with working on ceramics, filet crochet, my cats, music, movies, books, and just about anything else that catches my fancy. Will endlessly natter on about said cats, books, and whatall. I'm always looking for another book to read or movie to watch, as long as it actually does make sense. Other data as it becomes pertinent.

What I want to do here is get some thoughts of mine in order about living with what I have. I'm sure that as you read along, you'll see what I mean. There'll be plenty of angst, I am certain, but hey, if I can help someone else who copes with depression, then it means I've done something good.

I tried to have some of my pics here on this page, but until I get a new storage site, it's going to remain a non-happening thing. But if you email me at telynor@excite.com, and tell me what you want to see, I'll email you something to look at.

One of my favorite quotes that I found one day while surfing on line:

"Passions are the winds which fill the sails of the vessel; sometimes they sink it; but without them it would be impossible to make way... Everything is dangerous here below, but everything is necessary."


Somehow it seems to fit in this day and age.