About taylorpero

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Taylor Pero is known in Hollywood as "The Lana Turner Man" because of his 24/7, ten year relationship with the legendary screen queen. His first book, "Always, Lana" is considered the most detailed and enlightening book on the subject of Lana Turner ever written. In it, he details the celluloid glamour girl's career, romances, seven marriages, headline-grabbing murder of her mobster lover by her then fourteen-year-old daughter, Cheryl Crane, and an intimate look into the daily life of a living legend. Published by Bantam Books in 1982, "Always, Lana" is ripe for a rewrite, now that Miss Turner has passed on and Cheryl has become a public figure in her own right. Taylor Pero has many more details to disclose, and is looking for the right publisher to remake a successful paperback into an all-out, tell-all dynamite book (with private photos).

Pero is most recently the co-author if a new and unusual biography of another legend in her own time, Maria Callas. "THE COLORS OF CALLAS: Reflections of an Icon", by Taylor Pero and Patrick C. Byrne was released in September, 2002 and has made it to number two in sales on Amazon.com. Critic Julie Charles has the following to say about THE COLORS OF CALLAS: "The truly devoted who continue to hold her in awe will feast on The Colors of Callas. The authors have skillfully woven a fine tapestry of events, with each chapter identified by a distinct color. This unique treatment allows the reader an unprecedented, near-touching closeness to Callas, as she sets her thoughts on the past. With each fact of her career and private life meticulously studied, this impressive book, with its enormous amount of compelling information, will lay to rest the belief that Maria Callas was not human. The chroniclers of this explicit memoir are not to be denied far-reaching approval for their civil, heart-rending handling of her life ... the dispassionate, and even those insensible to sadness, are certain to dampen a tissue or two."

In addition, Taylor Pero writes a hilarious weekly newspaper column using the pseudonym, Gabby. It is called "DELICIOUS DISH by GABBY: All the Dish that's Fit to Fling". He describes Gabby as being a cross between Mr. MaGoo and Auntie Mame. She is so old that she fought in the Revolutionary War, and is listed on page one of The Social Register. Many times married, divorced and widowed, Gabby has enormous wealth and dispenses her gossip and views on world affairs from the vantage point of the rich and famous. She claims to be best, best friends with everyone in the news, and is proud that an unkind word has never escaped her lips. "After all, Gabby says, "That's what my column is for!"

Taylor Pero can be reached at gabby4@pacifier.com. He lives in the Pacific Northwest and loves to tell his Hollywood stories.