About tawakwan

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 Tawakwan stumbled off an German lufthansa airline and wobbled through Kennedy airport. He was actually still hidden inside the body of  then 36 year old wannabe writer John Robinson. Tawakwan was certain his day would come. He had played second fiddle to another character that John developed. He was of much more importance than "schwartzfahrer". John robinson,who is a gay blackman and artist ,can't for some reason really figure his part in the definition of the word, "artist". John has spent 21 years of his life in europe. He worked as a musician,and could of done quite well, working the likes of Deep purple,Mariah carey,and La toya jackson.But there was something inside of him. Something growing. It was himself. Lost inside a protective personality. Afraid to be himself in the eyes of a biased society. Tawakwan was the lost John, trapped. John gradually became more of a writer. He was still in 1995 voted the winner of the German musicians award for best vocalist. The award meant nothing,(Seriously. It meant nothing).Finally in 1997,he got a hot piece of hair up his ass,and left europe. He has been homeless,(fourtenn months on the streets),spent time in mentalwards,and has developed a hate for the corporate world,and a passion for writing. He has written for African politicans,amnesty international,and has really never gained anything other than the satisfaction of knowing,that someone likes his stuff. He is a member of the american civil liberties union,but doesn't totally agree with everything. He also supports the Pba.

Now to me.

 I'm forty seven, Feeling,and looking like a twenty eight year old. I have now allowed Tawakwan to take his rightful place In my creative mind. Tawakwan has allowed me, John robinson to be John robinson,The Artist. I feel so much better because I no longer feel the pressure of an oppressive society. I write many things,screenplays,fiction,poetry,rants. I plan to ad new blogit entries mainly on the weekends. Thats when tawakwan sums up the week in his odd but creative way.  Of course the best laid plans... I thank everyone for their interest.

United States
Primary occupation:
laundrymat manager.
Dream occupation:
Being free from such a question.
Frankfurt,Germany. Brooklyn U.s.a.
Schools attended:
New Utrecht,The school of life.
I like:
Baseball.Cartoons, writing,sex,anything that gets my weird mind going. Hot guys,good,honest,and sincere people.
Favorite writers:
Bukowski. Ahh,Bukowski. Tolstoi.
Favorite books:
Don't actually read many,except books on writing.
Favorite newspapers:
The times,rolling stone.
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
She wants revenge,Gnarls barkley,alternative,some hard rock,or hiphop. Much classical,and old junk.
Favorite movies:
Cowboy bebop,tombstone,brokeback mountain,batman begins.
Favorite TV shows:
Seinfeld,Spongebob,Sorpranos,Weeds,National geographic.
Favorite teams:
Yankees,Giants,Nets,Jets. The knicks?,Ha,Ha,Ha.Now tha's real funny.
Favorite quote:
I've tried everything but suicide,but it's crossed my mind.