About superstarnicky

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Picture of superstarnicky
Hello to everyone out there... well a little bit about me.... my name is nikki and i recently graduated from college, where I feel I spent waaaaay too much money on a degree I no longer have any interest in!!! Lovely! I went to school for communications, but over the last two years discovered that my calling was really in the creative arts... acting (my #1 passion) writing and photography. So now I'm out in the real world, completely lost and completely broke!!! I'm doing this to see if I can earn a little money doing something I truly enjoy... writing... while I go out there and "pound the pavement" trying to get my acting career off the ground!!! eeeek!!!! Wish me luck! :) well... read on... I hope you enjoy what I have to say... maybe I can help to inspire someone out there... maybe someone out there will help to inspire me! God Bless!
United States
Dream occupation:
TV or Film actress!
Syracuse, NY
Schools attended:
St. John's University
I like:
acting, tennis, writing, drawing, painting, PHOTOGRAPHY, music and being by the water!
Favorite writers:
Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, Marting Luther King, Jr.
Favorite movies:
When Harry Met Sally, Erin Brockovich, Just Friends
Favorite TV shows:
Oprah, CSI, Law and Order, Extreme Home Make-over
Favorite teams:
Philly Eagles!!! NY Giants
Favorite quote:
"He that leads you to it, will lead you through it."