About spyinthesky

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Born in Brooklyn, NY and a graduate of the municipal college system, I moved to California and worked for a major and now defunct airline. I returned to NYC briefly before moving onto Boston, MA. I  received an MBA from Northeastern U. while working during the day as a Production Manager with a Fortune 500 company and raising a family of one boy and one girl. They are now grown and I divorced and remarried.

My interest in politics was sparked as a youngster by my father who was a union member often fighting the crass greed of the Big Corporation. My political "imprinting" was completed when my father and I went fishing during the summers in the waterways of the Thousand Islands in upstate NY when I was 16 years old.  While rocking gently in our motorboat with the baited fishing line dangling over the side I began to read the Arthur Schlesinger's trilogy on the FDR years. I started with "Crisis of the Old Order" and a year later had finished "The Politics of Upheavel."  By the time I was done there was no question in my mind that the Republicans were evil and everything I have seen since then has never contradicted that conclusion.

I live in New England today with my second wife and run a small business which I will probably close at the end of this year. I would hope to write about politics and life and earn some money doing it with my spare time in the future.