About queetz

 See my Member Profile

I am 57 years old and I have just discovered that I love to have my thoughts, opinions and heart read!  For many years I have been told I am creative but I did not listen.  What would my family and friends know? I always loved writing, imagining and dreaming of a better world, a different world. I am now secure enough within myself to know that it is the enjoyment of your own imagary, words and colourful creations which is important.  How good one's work is can only be measured by the enjoyment involved in the creation and the extra delight in someone else telling you that it also brought them enjoyment.  I am truly inspired by the awesome beauty surrounding me in God's creation.  I am priviledged to bare witness to the majesty of mountains, the endless expanse of the ocean, trees reaching skyward crisp and tall...oh how blessed we are!


Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
as above
Wagga Wagga
Schools attended:
Primary, Secondary, TAFE
I like:
Raindrops on roses, a baby's laughter, smell of freshly mown grass, forests, sunsets and much, much more
Favorite TV shows:
I enjoy reality shows. Studying the behavior of human beings is unreal!
Favorite quote:
"The sun will always rise tomorrow"