About plust

 See my Member Profile

About me:  

Where I live:  Major cities in Western Canada - from Cow Town to the Home of the Homegrown. My love is in Vancouver, but my heart belongs to Calgary.

Nicknames:  Lusty, Jugs and Dr. No - depending on where I am and with whom... (don't ask!)

Age:  About the same age as my big toe.

Sex?:  Not tonight dear, I have a headache...

Occupation:  My passion is writing, of course, but my "real" job as a  Moneylender pays the bills.

Favourite Food:  Rare cow - wipe its butt, parade it past a candle and slap it on my plate!  Mad Cow?  What Mad Cow?

Favourite Contemporary Author:   King - er no - Atwood - Geez - maybe Rice?   So many, but who has time to read?  I'm too busy writing...working...writing...working...working...working...writing...

Favourite Author (well, playwright actually) of All Time:  Shakespeare.  Yes.  Definitely Shakespeare:   "Cool it with a baboon's blood...then the charm is firm and good."   Yeah, cool it!

Favourite Sayings:  "If I only had a brain!"  "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies" and "Ciao for now, baby!"

Favourite Animal:  The Cat.  To be that cool!  They don't take crap from anyone and if you make them angry, they don't get mad, they get even.  Sometimes they pee on your favourite shoes.  Sometimes they cough up a greasy fur ball on your pillow - whiile you're using it of course, fast asleep in dreamland.  They can be really disgusting and obnoxious - they'll even try to kill you - but if you try to scold theml, they just shoot a look of disdain and strut away, tail in the air, flashing a little pink butt hole.  They can't talk, thank God!  Oh, I forgot - they are GOD!  If they could talk, they'd never shut up, and you'd always be wrong.  My cat thinks she owns the house, the bed, me.  She's the boss.  Yep, if I only had a brain, I'd turf that cat out on her ear.

Favourite Movie:  Take a guess!

Favourite Song:   Who has only one favourite song, I ask!  I connect with:   "I Am Woman!" by Helen Reddy, "The Bitch is Back" by Elton John and "You Were Always On My Mind"  by Willie Nelson

Political Affiliation:  Are you kidding?  None, of course!  Every member of every political party on this planet should lament in unison:  "If I Only Had A Brain!"  You know, maybe if together they put their collective heads together and thought really hard...oh yeah, I forgot.  You can't think if you don't have a brain.  Oh Well!

Ciao for now, baby!