About offThepath

 See my Member Profile

I was going to begin by giving a lot of details about myself like smart, funny, inconceivably good-looking, but I couldn’t.

After mauling it over for a couple of days I realized why I couldn’t. Who isn’t all of those things? You could take every detail in the dictionary and each one would apply to everyone given the right atmosphere.

Details are relative, and for that reason I decided to use other people’s perceptions of me to describe myself. In the end it probably won’t amount to much because anyone reading this will inevitably come up with his own perspective, but I’ll play along anyway to keep from being antisocial.

To an educated person who has lived a good life I am a thuggish jerk who has stolen for fun, beaten up people, done drugs, and lived an all-around unrespectable kind of life/ To the thuggish jerk friends I grew up with I’m the loser who got his life together because he went to college and earned a degree.

To my mother and my grandmother I’m the sensative little boy who is really a good person at heart/ To my father I am the unfortunate little sick boy who never got any breaks

To the kids in my elementary schools I was the fat kid who was always trying to be funny / To the kids in my high schools I was the twitchy weirdo who, if the category existed, would have been voted most likely to go to prison for committing a creepy and violent crime.

I could go on for days and it still wouldn’t sum me all up. Good or bad, people will perceive me the way they perceive me, and short of lying I don’t have a whole lot of control over that. If I was running for political office or trying to sell you something, or trying to gain entrance into some young lady’s bedroom I might try to pervade a certain image, but for the purposes of this web site I don’t see any point to it.

I joined because I need to write more, and I thought communicating with other people with the same goal would help me find that discipline.

United States
Primary occupation:
assembly worker
Dream occupation:
the creator of all things
Warren, OH
Schools attended:
can't read, can't write, Kent State
I like:
Favorite writers:
Jamaica Kincaid, Toni Morrison, Robert Frost
Favorite books:
The Stand, the Bluest Eye, The Prophet
Favorite newspapers:
no favorites - I read the local paper and wire off of the internet
Favorite magazines:
no favorites - I pick up something if it looks interesting
Favorite music:
no favorites
Favorite movies:
Cool Hand Luke, The Aviator, True Romance, Blazing Saddles
Favorite TV shows:
My Name is Earl, Deadwood, Six Feet Under
Favorite teams:
Browns, Indians, Cavaliers, Buckeyes
Favorite quote:
don't have one