About kstien

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Hello, I don't mind giving my real name here as I am always looking for people to be in contact with. My name is Keith P. Stieneke and I operate two websites at the moment and am in the process of creating more. Currently, I have two blogs on Blogit.com as well as several through Blogger.com. Do a search for my name in Google and my name will come up several times....

United States
Primary occupation:
Data Entry and Marketing
Dream occupation:
I already do it
N/A at this time
Schools attended:
Willow Community High School, Westmar College, Sioux Falls College
I like:
Christianity, writing, nice people, cooking, eating, science fiction, network marketing, business, comic books, philosophy
Favorite writers:
J.R.R Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Mitch Albion, Edgar Allan Poe, Spencer Johnson, M.D., Edgar Rice Burroughs
Favorite books:
The Bible, Fellowship of the Ring, Tuesdays With Morrie, The Screwtape Letters, Who Moved My Cheese, all the Tarzan books
Favorite newspapers:
USA Today
Favorite magazines:
Biz 2.0, Entrepreneur, Bon Appetit
Favorite music:
Christian contemporary (is there anything else worth listening too?)
Favorite movies:
Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, Return Of The King
Favorite TV shows:
All Star Treks, StarGate SG-1, Cheers, Smallville, Dark Shadows
Favorite teams:
The Nebraska Cornhuskers
Favorite quote:
"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living, the world owes you nothing, it was here first." - Mark Twain