About jtoro07

 See my Member Profile

What can I say, love writing, been doing it since about the age of  about 10 or 11, putting down thoughts on paper and sharing them with others, who would of course care to listen.  I've completed about three books of poetry by now, which I'm self publishing and they've turned out to be fairly good hits with friends and family.  Working on a book of poetry for Mourning for now, that one's not going as smoothly, since it's not always easy to deal with this type of subject, but it's coming along.  I'm pretty open, fairly social and also love admiring the work of others, since so many have so much to say, but are not always allowed that open voice.  I find no greater expression than that of writing, since yes, it does help to put things down on paper and what you read in my pieces, is most definitely, what you get.  My writing is very true to me and what I am feeling at that particular point in time.  Writing to me is rather amazing!  Whether you're feeling depressed, happy, confused, mentally tortured, pensive or just plain responsive to just about anything.  Poetry to me, gives so much voice to just about anything you wish it to, you just have to visualize the things you want to write in pictures, events, life happenings, emotions and of course, eventually, captivating phrases, intricately understood.  I really enjoy being on this site as a writer and reader, it's given me a whole new avenue to connecting with fellow writers and enjoying their work, whether poetry or other types of thoughts, often more so than my own.  Don't know where this will all lead, but do know that I will enjoy the ride for as long as it may last, since all within this new spectrum I'm discovering, seem to be beautiful people.
United States
Primary occupation:
Office Manager
Dream occupation:
Writer of Children's Stories
The Bronx
I like:
Life and the many experiences it offers, on a constant basis.
Favorite writers:
Hemmingway, Hitchcock, Shakespeare, Frost, Poe, Longfellow, too many to write down
Favorite books:
Favorite newspapers:
The New York Times
Favorite magazines:
Black Belt, Psychology Today, Science Times
Favorite music:
Rock and Roll, HipHop
Favorite movies:
The whole Die Hard series
Favorite TV shows:
The Sopranos, Family Guy, The Colbert Report, Oz, The Wire, The Simpsons
Favorite teams:
Pittsburgh Steelers, New York Yankees, New York Knicks, Miami Heat, New York Giants
Favorite quote:
Either you stand for something or you'll fall for anything