About imear2

 See my Member Profile

 I am studying an amazing technique called EFT and counselling..its liberating and has now received world wide recognition, feel free to ask for a news letter. In a word I am COMPLEX, sometimes I think there is too much to me, I complicate myself.

But one thing you will like about me, I am brutally honest with myself and I will be with you too.

I do think we struggle just being who we are, I also believe it is difficult to really care for others, we have so many difficulties ourself.

I trust that a better day will come as we all grow weary with the world we live in.

Make the most of who you are live for yourself but try to understand the pain that others have deep down in their heart and reach out to them from time to time. You are tallest when you stand down from your high places. (think about it)

Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
writer/self help healer
Schools attended:
I was a gypsy with schools
I like:
Camp fires, ocean, rivers water falls, and sunshine
Favorite writers:
the prophets and anyone who makes sense and is honest
Favorite books:
the bible
Favorite newspapers:
my local gazette
Favorite magazines:
garden n vegetables
Favorite music:
jackson browne
Favorite movies:
The Castle (great aussie movie)
Favorite TV shows:
Favorite teams:
husbands and wives
Favorite quote:
It is What It is!!
spirit filled