About ex_simsimswife

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Picture of ex_simsimswife

Born under the "capricious" sign of Capricorn, in a simple blue-collar family, I grew up fed with the communist policy of goodness, generosity and modesty. Raising the head from the crowd would have been discouraged at the first attempt.Although as a child and teenager I manifested talents in many aspects of creativity like poetry, painting, and fashion design, I didn't possess the knowledge of putting in practice my ideas and getting ahead.  I wish I could cover up for all those lost years.

First-hand life experience feeds my creativity. I had to change places, switch countries, marry and divorce twice, remarry, lose jobs, part with relatives and friends, cope with children and seek success in everything you can imagine. I have traveled to Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Bulgaria, Egypt, Yugoslavia, Greece and Romania (of course). Sometimes I took a good decision, sometimes a bad one. Was there anyone always beside me? The answer is yes. Except God, the best listener, the pen and the paper were always my best friends. I always shared with them sorrow or joy, pity or admiration, pain or pleasure, and I wandered many places, real or from my wild imagination taking them along. Having too many hobbies related to creativity puling me like many forces in their sides, as a resultant I was inert, incapable to choose one single direction. As a freelance writer, I can be through my characters all that I dream of. Would the specialized knowledge accumulated during the passing years prove useful in my freelance writing career ?  I try to be very flexible, ambitious, motivated, and determined to improve my actual status; I am a learn-as-you-go principle adept

Primary occupation:
student, wife, mother of two teenagers
Dream occupation:
earning freelancer, bussiness owner
Bacau, Romania
Schools attended:
I like:
to watch skating, to play chess, swimming, poetry, music, fine arts
Favorite writers:
God (thank you Ariala for reminding me that)
Favorite books:
"Think and grow rich" by Napoleon Hill, "How to win friends and influence people" and "Stop worrying, start living" by Dale Carnegie, "Intimate connections" by David Burns, and above all the Koran
Favorite newspapers:
do you know any without a political slant?
Favorite magazines:
"Amagram", "Harper's Magazine", "Egypt today", "Good Housekeeping"
Favorite music:
"Abba", Grace Deeb, Joe Dassin, Edith Piaff, some songs of Madonna
Favorite movies:
"Mr. Rolland's simphony" casting Richard Dreyfuss, "Jane Eyre" casting Timothy Dalton
Favorite TV shows:
those on Reality??
Favorite teams:
my family cause I'm the coach
Favorite quote:
"Allahu Akbar"-God is the greatest