About damselfly

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Hi, I've been traveling within my spirit for 59 years and hope to find what makes me happiest before I die. Like the damselfly, my wings have carried me through easy breezes where I could ponder prey or rest upon my laurels. Many times, however, my stealthy, shimmering wings have carried me through toughest of gales to learn life's lessons and to know I am never alone. I enjoy people who smile just for the sake of smiling. I feel, for the smiler and for the one who witnesses the smile, goodness connects each soul. Writing seems to be a passion for me and whether I write well or not, I can't help but put words together to manifest my thoughts of nonfiction or make believe. I pray we all find Peace within because there's not much out there. 
United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
professional writer
Minneapolis, MN, but I live in New Mexico now
Schools attended:
I like:
to read, write, garden and go for hikes to enjoy nature
Favorite writers:
Edgar Allan Poe, Keats, Robert Service, EE Cummings
Favorite books:
The Mysterious Island was my first, K2 The Savage Mountain put me on top of the world
Favorite newspapers:
High Country News
Favorite magazines:
National Geographic, Smithsonian, Backpacker, Organic Gardening
Favorite music:
Smooth Jazz and the old fashion rock and roll
Favorite movies:
I enjoy a good, scary movie anytime with a big bowl of buttered popcorn
Favorite TV shows:
Survivor, Monk, Law and Order, American Idol
Favorite teams:
no favorite
Favorite quote:
carpe diem! and "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" Herm Albright