About amberg914

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Picture of amberg914
I'm a girl who likes to write, and I'm a girl who loves her TV. I'm fond of coffee and Mexican food, and I have cats. Oh! I was also recently fired from my job of four years with no explanation -- thus, my foray into the Blog world. So far, this is much more fun.
United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
Writer/Coffee Shop Owner/Wife of Johnny Depp
Bakersfield, CA
Schools attended:
Hort, Compton, Foothil, Bakersfield College, Cal State Bakersfield
I like:
Mochas, Taco Bell, TV, Music, Reading, Kitties, Penguins, my friends, Buffy and Angel, cards and games, office supplies, Macs, cheese
Favorite writers:
Stephen King, JK Rowling, Don Delillo, myself, Michelle Gradowitz
Favorite books:
The Catcher in the Rye, A Wrinkle in Time, The Bell Jar, Harry Potters
Favorite magazines:
Entertainment Weekly, Rolling Stone
Favorite music:
Tom Waits, Ani DiFranco, Duran Duran, The Beatles, REM
Favorite movies:
Moulin Rouge!, Grease, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Being Julia, so many more!!
Favorite TV shows:
Lost, Veronica Mars, Desperate Housewives, Big Brother, Rock Star: INXS, American Idol, Arrested Development, Family Guy, King of the Hill, The Simpsons, all Adult Swim
Favorite teams:
I like Tennis!
Favorite quote:
"I've always wanted to be Commander in chief of my one woman army." - Ani DiFranco
God is way cool!