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Welcome and thank you for visiting   "All over the page" I hope that my writings are informative encouraging and fun for you to read. Much has changed since my days on the air and now I am ready to air it out!


Gregarious Greg

renowned talk talent.

Late bloomer has hope for worm:

Getting the worm can mean everything in life. How and when you apply yourself is very important. Knowledge, money, contacts and sometimes a second chance can make all the difference. I have accomplished many things, but I have left much unfinished. Now I want to pick up where I left off some 18 years ago.

You may have heard that "the early bird gets the worm" but as for me, I am always "Johnny-come-lately" could it be that my mother really change my name from Johnny and not Donald when I was only a few months old?

Now in my adulthood, I have jumped the gun on more races than a 57 Chevy.

And ..... I have invested more time chasing dreams than a coyote has spent Chasing a roadrunner. My ventures have taken me by way of the high roads and the low roads, through "roads less traveled "and every road in between. However, I have never finished a thing. I just got to the point where I was finished.

But there is no one to blame but myself, after all I started pretty early, I just stayed in the closet too long.

Disclaimer: what I say may or may not be true, to you.

So goes the saying..... "do it first and ask forgiveness later" or something of that sort. So let's consider it done. I will at some point write something that someone will not agree with. Quite possibly YOU!

Communicating it's not always easy, most of us are drawn to what is favorable to our own understanding. Or put another way,to only what we can comprehend or just what we want to hear.

Please keep in mind that the Views expressed are my own, however Some views may be  just hearsay.

 Out of the closet

After years of being out and about in society, I may have finally opened the door. I now realize that I was still locked in my small office on Route 89. A country road in Wisconsin. I didn't know it then but I had already began my journey.

I was around the age of fifteen but I seemed as an old man. My mother often reminded me of that. I was quite different than the rest of my siblings, three brothers and three sisters. I guess I was always considered the odd child out.

Looking back, I was and still am somewhat different. I spent a lot of time in that bedroom closet, that is where I started my writings.

 I even knew then that I would be a lawyer, bus driver, child psychologist and a writer.

As a child I would watch the behavioral patterns of people, I noticed that people did things to make their lifes more complicated.

Since that time I have come to know that most of life is complicated, and that is where my story began.

 Now what ?

I am back in the saddle again and I have plenty of targets to aim at. With all the events that are going on in the world today, I anticipate that I will have many things for my readers to respond to.

At times I may be all "over the page" so some of you may be less interested in a particular subject matter. I trust that you will rope me back in for a topic of your choosing. I will write on various points of interest and will include topics pertaining to the present past and future.

You can expect headlines with stories that will make you think. Some may take no thought at all.

Footnote: I just so happen to be going horseback riding shortly, I haven't been on a horse for more than 30 years. Now theres something to think about!

Making the case for the: Lawyer, driver, PhD and writer.

Not all was lost in my quest for perfection, Or should I say, in my search to make a living.

I had learned enough from lawyers to know that I could never be one by just dressing the part. So I spent many years in the transportation field instead. This decision would eventually motivate me to start my own business.

I also enrolled for one semester of junior college and I started other business ventures. At a later date I created a radio talk show. This would prove to be my self proclaimed degree in the field of psychology. Now it is time to pick up on my writing. Stay tuned...

And now...... here's Greg!

It is nearing the end of March 2010, this is the start of a new kind of talk. I am now most interested in the current events in the news this past month. Headlines captured by bad weather, earthquakes and still yet more home foreclosures.

Politicians continue to fight over healthcare as unemployment rates head in the direction of skyscrapers. Unemployment benefits are about to run out for many, as others wait to collect theirs for the first time.

Banks are telling lies to homeowners and yet the taxpayer has paid their way. Credit card companies are using tactics which are far from credible. By the way who owns the credit card companies, and what language are they speaking?

Due to its most recent problems Toyota will be a word less spoken and a vehicle more likely to be parked. Commercials by lawyers are flooding the airwaves and so on and so on.

Just how major are these problems? So far they are on a scale of 8.8 according to the recent earthquake in Chile. And still yet an earth shattering quake is forecasted for the United States. It appears that the earth is shaking everywhere, with the most recent one in Japan. And I am not referring back to the Toyota comment.

The current job market has people in the market to search for something that does not exist. Jobs. Many of the unemployed are now supporting their employers. Hourly pay has been decreased, and those who have insurance must now pay more.

Doctors are closing practices due to lack of insurance subsidizing and soon there will be no doctors to go to. Oh I forgot there will be a new health plan that will take care of all of us.

So who do you believe? We now have a new administration after eight years of the opposite. Hmmm.. what if the guy on the right ends up being all that we have left?

This is not reality television but it is very real!

You have seen the show or maybe you have heard about it. Stars have cameras come into their homes to show how they live with adversity. Their stories are not anything that you and yours have not dealt with.

Maybe you are unemployed, or living on a fixed income. Or maybe Your household is filled with odd behavior. Unless you are a star who's name can bring large ratings and big money, the reality is; you get no show. 

You may be able to handle your work, your business, and your family through all your trials and hidden dysfunction. You still get no show! This is your reality.

Gregarious Greg is full of air...

The year was 1992 and I was busy at the mic on a weekly basis. Doing that time I was "adressing the needs and concerns of kids on a local radio station. "The head Kid network"

I aired over 42 shows in that year.

My guess included police officers, a chief of police and a city councilmember. two of the topics were on hunger and of kids from divorced families.

At the time I had been a single father for many years. I was also running a private transportation service for kids. That was my first brainchild of 1986.

Gregarious Greg's .......click

Thank you for your interest or curiosity in my writing and or my comments. This is my first issue of "all over the page" I hope that I am able to keep you coming back.

People have different concerns, needs, and ideas, some of us aren't aware of them until they have been clicked.

My curiosity leaves me open to various views. Naturally those of us who write or blog hope to be read. Much can be said about what we learn from reading the work's of others. 

Some of us may only need an outlet to vent. It is important to keep in mind why we visit this forum. My writing has helped me to express what (I think I know). It has also taught me how much I don't know; about myself, life and others.

I hope that you will choose to be part of my click. We do not have to agree with what we write about or what we may exchange in our communications. But it is comforting to know that we may share common ground on various subject matter.

Afterall, great minds think alike...... or not. But they are only one click away.

I hope that you will be part of my blogging click. I currently have a following of three, Me Myself and I. And we don't always agree.!


That's a take !

And that's my take for now, no radio no television just blogging " All over the page"

until next time.

Gregarious Greg.

* Gregarious Greg is my alias from my 1992 radio show.

 April 21, 2010  Note to self:

Today I just went live on Blogit! I sure hope that no one heard my thoughts or read my mind. This is not at all like my day's in radio. The only voices that I hear are, me myself and my own. That ringing that I hear is in my ears, and not the phone. But I continue to pick up and I ask " caller are you there" .. this could get pretty lonely if I found out that everybody is listening to Rush,or that Beck guy. Maybe eveybody's watching Dr.Phil and Oprah. I thought they would have gotten old by now. Well at least I know my secret is good with the three of us. No one will ever know that we now spend time talking to ourselves. If bloggers ever get wind of this they may never share their thoughts!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I've come to the conclusion that blogging is not a place for selfish people. It is a great place for people to interact and share their thoughts. It is like being in school, one can get a great sense of being. You know that your work is being graded, yet you never get the feeling that you can flunk. You are a student and a teacher all in one.One receives, but must also give back. I hope that I will keep in mind, that with blogging comes a great responsibility.

Gregarious Greg.

United States
thought provoking