About UtahAngel22

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Picture of UtahAngel22 Picture of UtahAngel22 Picture of UtahAngel22
*Wanders around, looks at blank page, types a few words, gets scared and leaves in a big hurry*
United States
Primary occupation:
Customer Service
Dream occupation:
Never finished the sentence, "When I grow up..."
A little bit of here, a little bit of there...
Schools attended:
Too many to name, how much time do you have?
I like:
Might be simpler and faster to ask what I don't like...again, how much time do you have?
Favorite writers:
Oh gosh! Too many to even start thinking of...
Favorite books:
See above
Favorite newspapers:
I really don't read newspapers...
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Country, rock, easy listening...pretty much anything
Favorite movies:
Romantic Comedy
Favorite TV shows:
Friends, Will and Grace...and many more
Favorite teams:
Favorite quote:
You're just jealous cause the voices talk to me!
Girl...I think