About UncleMike

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I am a free-lance writer who does feature articles for the Eastern Shore Milestone in Chestertown, MD and the Annapolis Capitol, based in Annapolis, MD.

The Milestone is a fairly new paper devoted to people in the 50+ demographic, and the Capitol traces its lineage to colonial times under the original name of the Maryland Gazette.

My other experiences include working as an intern for the Sierra Club and USEPA, regular employment with the Baltimore Sun and the Annapolis Capitol, the usual ephemeral retail misery; and even a turn back the 70s with the Anne Arundel Community College's Center for the Study of Local Issues, under the long-defunct CETA program.

In an effort to better myself, I've taken paralegal classes, and the less said about that the better, computer graphics classes, and cooking classes. The great lessons I drew from the last two were that as a graphics artist I am a halfway decent cook, and as a cook, I am strictly for the home. (though I am coming along nice and one day hope to make some lucky WOman the perfect wife as long as she handles the finances)

United States
Primary occupation:
Dream occupation:
lots of places
Schools attended:
various elementary schools, St. Mary's High in Annapolis, MD. Anne Arundel Community College, Arnold, MD (AACC), University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNC-G), Bowie State College, Bowie, MD
I like:
Jazz, good food & drink, movies, science fiction & fantasy, history, taking pictures, new & odd ideas
Favorite writers:
Bruce Catton, Robert Heinlein, Shelby Foote
Favorite newspapers:
the ones that print me
Favorite magazines:
Favorite music:
Favorite movies:
Action, comedy, SF
Favorite TV shows:
Angel, BtVS, Stargate, the History Channel, BBCAmerica, the Food Channel
I read the Tao