About TellNoLiies

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I write when i feel like telling a tale.When I feel to inspire.

I rant when I feel cornered alone and frustrated,
I am human, I taint the flesh and bite the nail on the head every day.

Sometimes Im wrong,Sometimes Im right but either way i learn. And I keep searching for something real..other than the skin I live in.
To understand my Major malfunction quirks...
I add pointlessness into meaning..to make a mind work and not necessarily find a resoulution..I am like my sistre in ways..but she uses her skills to torcher the truth from lips that ceal with the muck of insabordination and disdain..i use mine to perceive and understand...

I am confused,enlightended and clueless to actions some people find honest..I am my own paradox..
and I like the rubix cube personality I play with..
because it boils down to " I dont get you either.."

So I search..and find..I am Mirari..the wanderer.

Now for something not so deep..
Im 22,live alone work my ass off..pay my bills " yippie for me." and write until my hands cramp up like a taco. I gripe about my job so i try to get promoted so I can change things around to make everyone go " Ahh.." instead of "OH SHIT."

I dont like offices but ironically i go to one 40 hours a week..:Twitch:
I see ghosts,talk to the dead, sing..and love to dance..
I cry when i watch the news..
but I can kick your ass if you touch me in that " Hey baby wanna play in a dark alley " Way.
Im a tough bitch with a ensative inocent person inside of me that keeps me sane..and far away from swords..ooh i love swordfighting..but ill simply freak out if i hit something fuzzy on the road..

funny how my mind works..
well there you go a glimpse ..
Do you want some more?

another ...

