About Spudnuts

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My "name" is Spudnuts and my hobbies include self-deprication, iron smelting, needle point, Extreme Fighting and lifting the ocassional car with nothing but my eyelids! I've also been chewing the same piece of gum non-stop for the last 40 years, which is quite a feat considering I'm only 30 years old! I'm a huge dork and I have a big red pin that I wear everywhere to prove it!

United States
Primary occupation:
Butt of the joke
Dream occupation:
When I grow up I want to be Chuck Norris!
Pueblo, Colorado
I like:
Stuff and junk
Favorite writers:
Carol Berg, Me
Favorite books:
Favorite music:
Most stuff except Country and R&B. Couple of favorites would be Collective Soul and Classical. Oh, and New Orleans Style Jazz and Eighties Junk!
Favorite movies:
Anything where the characters are more miserable and depressed than I. And occasionally funny ones, but there aren't many of those nowadays.
Favorite TV shows:
Same as movies
Favorite teams:
Do the Chippendales count as a team?
Favorite quote:
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same!