About SimpleMan

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I'm thirty years old, brown hair, blue eyes. I don't drink or do drugs, quit those about twelve years ago. The only bad habit I have is I smoke way to much. A little crazy, and I like to laugh. I don't like pretenders. I like real people.
United States
Dream occupation:
Full Time Writer
Schools attended:
Tuscaloosa County High School
I like:
Watching college football, reading, writing, X-BOX, playing with my nieces
Favorite writers:
Brian Lumley, Steve Alten, Stephen King, Mack Maloney, Vince Flynn
Favorite books:
The Necroscope Series, anything by Vince Flynn, Salem's Lot, Wingman seried
Favorite newspapers:
USA Today
Favorite magazines:
Astronomy, PC Gamer, US News & World Report
Favorite music:
Country, Heavy Metal (80's & early 90's) some pop and classic rock
Favorite movies:
The Godfather Trilogy, The Lion King, Pumpkinhead, Last of the Dogmen, A Bronx Tale
Favorite TV shows:
Angel, The West Wing, Law & Order, L&O: SVU, The Shield, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Monster House, American Chopper
Favorite teams:
Auburn Tigers (college) Cincinnati Bengals/Oakland Raiders
Favorite quote:
Slap me naked and throw me in a briar patch backwards (made that one up myself)