About OleBlue

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Jazz and blues loving want to be writer who loves books, hiking, staying fit. Yet I also enjoyiing going out and dancing with lovely women while driking good beer or single malt scotch.

United States
Primary occupation:
computer support
Dream occupation:
director, writer
I like:
Favorite writers:
Robert Anton Wilson, Christopher Moore, Carl Hiaasen, Tom Robbins, Byron, Blake
Favorite magazines:
Outside, Playboy, Forbes
Favorite music:
Jazz, Blues, Zen bamboo flute music
Favorite movies:
The searchers, Casablanca...many more
Favorite TV shows:
Never cared for TV but Myth Busters and American Chopper are good
Favorite teams:
I enjoy sports but I would rather participate than be a fan
Favorite quote:
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor safety." Ben Franklin