About MysticGmekeepr

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Picture of MysticGmekeepr Picture of MysticGmekeepr Picture of MysticGmekeepr

..I am a lover, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, a dancer, a dreamer, a poet, etc., etc.

I love all things beautiful and find beauty in most things. I believe in magic, in mystery and most of all in every day miracles.I believe that we are connected you and I...that all things have their genesis in a creator, and all mankind is linked by that same soul conception.

United States
Primary occupation:
Medical Asst
Dream occupation:
writer & dreamer
Suburbs of L.A.
Schools attended:
life's kindergarten
I like:
music, rhythm, beauty, flowers, dancing, reading, news junkie, I like politics but they have such rough edges and unkind places that they make me cringe.
Favorite writers:
Gibran, Rilke, D.H. Lawrence, Taylor Caldwell, Bach, Mitch Albom, many poets and mystics
Favorite books:
Jonathan Livingston Seagul, Great Lion of God, Illusions, Tuesdays With Morrie
Favorite newspapers:
L.A. Times
Favorite magazines:
Time, Newsweek,
Favorite music:
U2, Allyson Krauss, Journey Bob Marley, Moby,Sara McLaughlin
Favorite movies:
E.T. Enemy Mine, Normal
Favorite TV shows:
American Idol, Joan of Arcadia
Favorite quote:
"perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us." Rilke