About Lucelli

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Picture of Lucelli
My life is working with words and organizing thoughts. I'm a freelance newspaper reporter and a fiction writer. You'll discover soon enough that the business has made me a little cynical, very sarcastic and a touch jaded. It happens. Deadlines and stupid people will do that. I'll be sharing some of the more bizarre stories on My Daily Rant and will touch on some women's news in Feminist Rantings and News. I'm a news junkie, I can't help feeling the urge to share what I find on the Web. If you care to see what kind of fiction I write, you can find it at www.geocities.com/kimberlylafontaine. Otherwise, have fun reading and send me your thoughts. Thanks.
United States
Primary occupation:
freelance journalist
Dream occupation:
fiction author
I like:
dark humor, clever wit, weathered journalists
Favorite writers:
Laurell K. Hamilton, Ernest Hemmingway
Favorite books:
Anita Blake series, All Quiet on the Western Front, A Farewell to Arms
Favorite newspapers:
The New York Times, Washington Post
Favorite magazines:
Time, Ms. Magazine, Popular Science
Favorite music:
Ani DiFranco, Tori Amos, Beatles, anything classic rock or grunge
Favorite movies:
Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Girl Interrupted
Favorite TV shows:
Will & Grace, Frazier, nightly news
Favorite quote:
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams