About LapisLazuli

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Living in Northamptonshire in the UK, a nascent writer and photographer.
United Kingdom
Primary occupation:
Compliance officer (UK financial services)
Dream occupation:
Photographer (in-progress!)
I like:
...and drive - a Landrover Defender (110)
Favorite writers:
Ralph Waldo Emerson; Irshad Manji; Michael Crichton
Favorite books:
Essays & poems - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Favorite music:
Gary Moore; Fleetwood Mac; Dire Straits; Whitesnake; A-Ha; David Gary; Dido; The Eagles; Portishead; Kinobe; Evanescence; Ludvico Einaudi (semi-classical piano);
Favorite movies:
The Shawshank Redemption; Fight Club; Batman Begins (surprisingly enough)
Favorite quote:
"In the end, a person tires of everything - except heart's desiring, soul's journeying" Jalal-uddin Rumi