About Keda

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i am 29 years old - on the brink of turning 21 (they say you are only as old as you feel and i even look 10 years younger than i am).  small town girl with a lot of rebel.  now i live in the city of pretoria, south africa and i love it.  i love life...  i am one of those that marches to her own drum and i am proud of it.  i will not conform for majority just becaue it is easier. i have strong morals and values - i believe that the world would be nicer if we just stopped blurring the lines of right and wrong for our own benefit. 

South Africa
Primary occupation:
office manager
Dream occupation:
writer, dolphin and whale saver
Schools attended:
high school standerton,
I like:
reading, writing, dancing, music
Favorite writers:
terry pratchett, terry goodkind, william shakepeare, oscar wild, deepak chopra
Favorite books:
discworld series, faery tale, good omens
Favorite magazines:
odyssey, biophile, green planet, insig
Favorite music:
live, bon jovi, alanis morisette, jewel
Favorite movies:
the king and i, empire records, nausicaa and the valley of the wind
Favorite TV shows:
friends, sex and the city, frasier, law and order
Favorite quote:
may everything you do today be done as if God himself is doing it, for in fact, He is - Suzie Orman