About Gita

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Hi! I am Lillian Teresa Pictor,know to you bloggers as "Gita". Most people call me "Teresa" pronounced, "Ta-ray-sa". I am wife of one wonderful guy,a mother of two grown daughters,and a grandmother of seven,grandkids,not dwarves,but close. I am fify-one years old and proud of it. My husband and I have a home art gallery in Arkansas in a big old house in a wonderful small city called Fayetteville,in the Ozark Mountains.We sell our own folk art,and my husband his silver jewelry made from gemstones he cuts himself. We also have collectible costume jewelry from the past, and gemstone and mineral specimans. We are just crazy Yogis with a dedication to each other,family,Spirit,art,and life. I could write a book on the whole thing and someday maybe I will.

I have a miriad of interests,like the typical ADD ridden soul that I am. I am "off the wall" and never plan to climb on. It is important to me to try to be fair and to love all. Having said that,I will say that none of us is perfect and I'm not either,but I am trying to be good!

One of my favorite books is "14,000 Things to Be Happy About",by Barbara Kipfer,or "The Happy Book". I am just sorry she beat me to it,but I am making my own list. I also am in love with "American Junk" and all junk books by Mary Randolph Carter. I also looooove junk and have a whole house full of it. I am a collector. I am a flea market and garage sale freak and deal in antiques and collectibles. You will go crazy with my run-on sentences and my paragraphs,well, I do know better. This is "outsider" writing.

I am a corny character who loves old Andy Griffith reruns and,redneck jokes(I am just a redneck girl)and Pizza. But I have my "Beat" days when I dress in black,listen to cool jazz and drink exotic coffee drinks in exotic coffee bars. I love Rock n'Roll,country and western,disco(yes,it is finally in print,folks),blues,jazz,alternative,oldies but Goodies,classical,Opera. Well,let's just say,I dig the music,dude. I am a Jim Morrison freak,by the way. But I also saw Merle Haggard in concert last summer. Awright,Merle!!!

I love art and was an art major in college(after being a drama and English major). I am nuts and totally into Raw and Outsider Art. My favorite artist historically is Van Gogh. But I love almost all art. I love a place in Boston called "The Museum of Bad Art". I say bad art is good art.

Well,folks,basically,I love life and the world,but I also look forward to fun in the "Hereafter". I am into Metaphysics and have friends from Wiccan to Born Again Christian. If you ain't into crazy,honey,then cross me off your list.

If I created a world(and actually,I have) it would be a wonderful place where we all expressed ourselves fully in positive ways,meaning harm to none. I can just hear all you philosophy freaks getting geared up now.

I am so happy to be here and I hope you enjoy all my blogging,cause I need money!! But,seriously,I hope you do, aside from financial gain. I hope what I write will make you feel happy,if nothing else.

Oh,yeah,and one of my favorite shows is "Will and Grace".Doesn't that just go cool with "Mayberry"?

Well, that is enough to bombard you good people with for now,so on to the Blogs. Love,Gita

PS-I meant to mention that we live in a house painted like a watermelon on the front. Our gallery is called"The Mystic Melon". Just thought I'd throw that in. And my favorite city is New Orleans. I love the Ocean also You can't really put me in a catagory,so give up. It has frustrated many. I tend to be scattered,at times(when I'm not sleeping)or haven't you noticed?

United States
Primary occupation:
Artist and Dealer
Dream occupation:
I am in it,unless you count Rock Star
Texarkana,Texas,Ark.and all over
Schools attended:
Liberty-Eylau High,Texarkana Jr.College,Southern State,Magnolia,UofA,Fayetteville,ArK.
I like:
Art,Music,Cooking,Dancing,Writing,Fishing,and just about everything.
Favorite writers:
To name a few, Rosamunde Pilcher,Stephen King,Ann Rice,Fannie Flag,Rimbaude,and many more.
Favorite books:
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe,The Shell Seeker, Christine, Poetry of Rimbaude,too many to name. I hardly ever met a book I didn't like.
Favorite newspapers:
Northwest Arkansas Times, The Free Weekly,The New York Times, I really never thought about it.
Favorite magazines:
Country Living,Victoria,(now defunct),Southern Living,Raw Vision,Reminisce
Favorite music:
All of it!!! But I adore Rock(especially classic),country,folk,.Oh,well,all of it.
Favorite movies:
Gone With The Wind, and a million more. I love movies.
Favorite TV shows:
Will and Grace,Andy Griffith reruns,Leave It To Beaver,King of Queens, Strong Medicine,!-800-Missing,Antique Roads Show, Storm Stories,Unsolved Mysteries,Dr.Phil,many more.
Favorite teams:
I am not a big competitive sports person,but The Arkansas Razorbacks. I am an Arkie,after all.
Favorite quote:
"Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death", Auntie Mame
no formal,Yogi etc.